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Alias Born 06/03/2010

Re: None

Saturday, 02/05/2011 11:27:24 AM

Saturday, February 05, 2011 11:27:24 AM

Post# of 52007

Seriously, .20? The only way it gets there is with a R/S. With great news you may see .0005 to .0008. With unbelievable news you may see .001 to .002 and that would be a stretch. Remember, there are at least 16 Billion shares in float and the majority is held by the street not insiders. Most of these holders have been holding for a while and will be sellers on the way up. To get to a penny I would guess that you would need to generate about $15 - $20 million worth of buying. That is not unheard of but it would take an awful lot of PR to do that. The only way I see that is if Chin lined up some buying out of China.

And speaking of other dreams..... Anyone who thinks they are going to buy back shares and retire them is seriously delusional. They will need every penny they can get their hands on to run operations.

I do believe the stock will have a nice run but don't be greedy. Watch the price action and make your sales. Don't sell them all in one shot and pick your price points wisely. If you decide to start making sales at .0005 that's great. Don't be upset if it goes higher. If it was your worst sale who cares. For some that is a 5 Bagger or 2.5 bagger. I will take that. If you have a 5 bagger sell enough to get out your investment and scale up the rest for profits. If you really believe the stock will go to .02 scale up all but 25 pct between .0005 and .001 and then ride your last 25 pct as high as you like. That is how you can consistently make money. If your worst sale is a double you are obviously doing very well!