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Re: jlglex post# 10718

Wednesday, 01/26/2011 9:13:02 PM

Wednesday, January 26, 2011 9:13:02 PM

Post# of 52858
Fundamental Milestones Are One Thing, But SEC Regs Are Different

For a technology development company to miss some fundamental milestones during the Great Recession is not ideal, but it is forgiveable. And, it is not a violation of securities laws, unless deliberate.

For a CEO to blatantly violate SEC regulations on restricted stock, on the other hand, is a much more serious problem, in my book.

Based on the new information that came out on Skunk's blog this afternoon, which I have just gotten around to analyzing, it appears that Mr. Kreisler may have crossed some more serious securities laws boundaries than simply missing fundamental milestones during the Great Recession.