HRNF - usasports1, has the product marketed as available, but there have been issues with it actually making it out the door. Issues are on GNC's end, not the company. GNC has plenty of product to ship, but has had issues. Not sure if the product is designated for the test marketing GNC was doing at 6 stores. It is my understanding that those 6 stores are not known to the company. GNC would not want the company to be able to influence the test market results. Hopefully this all gets resolved.
I have ordered the gum successfully from It came within a few days of my shipment confirmation. My taste test, "n" of 1, was the gum has great flavor. So I am planning on distributing the packs I ordered to a number of friends at my gym(s).
You never know when the gum will be stocked locally in retail stores, like what was announced this week in OHIO.
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