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Saturday, 01/15/2011 7:28:19 AM

Saturday, January 15, 2011 7:28:19 AM

Post# of 2992
Geomagnetic Reversal

Satellites Spy Changes to Earth's Magnetic Field

April 11, 2002 - Though the process can take nearly 5,000 years, the earth's magnetic field periodically reverses. According to a report published today in Nature, scientists may have detected the beginning of the field's next such reversal.

Motion of the earth's liquid core, the so-called geodynamo, generates its magnetic field. Gauthier Hulot of the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris and his colleagues used satellite data recorded 20 years apart to track changes in this field. In two regions of the boundary between the earth's core and the overlying mantle, the researchers detected a reversed magnetic field. In a section lying beneath the southern tip of Africa, the magnetic field points toward the center of the earth opposite to the dominant outward-pointing field of the Southern Hemisphere. And a second congregation of reversed-flux patches exists near the North Pole. Having modeled the growth and movement of these inverted-flux sections, they can now account for nearly the entire decrease in the main dipole field of the earth over the past 150 years.

The new findings reveal variations in the earth's magnetic field over the shortest time scales yet but are far from straightforward. According to Peter Olson of Johns Hopkins University, the "results confirm some long-held tenets of dynamo theory but contradict others." He cautions in a commentary accompanying the report that it remains too early to tell if the planet is in the early stage of a polarity reversal. "But the rapidly evolving reversed-flux patches suggest that an attempt at reversal may be under way," he adds. Indeed, the study authors assert that if "this asymmetric state was reached often in the past, it might account for several persistent patterns observed in the palaeomagnetic field."

Headed South?
Earth's fading field could mean a magnetic flip soon

March 31, 2003 - Birds and compasses know north from south because, like a giant bar magnet, the earth's magnetic field has two poles that line up closely with the planet's axis of rotation. That's simple physics.

Less widely known is that this global dipole has been diminishing precipitously for the past 150 years and at this rate could disappear entirely sometime early in the next millennium. With the world's protective magnetic shield severely disabled, intensified doses of cosmic and solar particles could knock out satellites--the least of humanity's concerns under this deadly shower of radiation.

The good news is that any disappearance of the dipole will be temporary, the halfway point along a southward swing that would leave compass needles pointing toward Antarctica rather than the frozen North. Magnetic minerals trapped inside ancient rocks have recorded hundreds of these so-called polarity reversals in the past 500 million years. But no known pattern exists in the timing or duration of these events, making them impossible to predict.

Most geophysicists have long assumed that a 2,200-kilometer-thick layer of molten iron swirling deep inside the core creates the planets self-sustaining field. But until about six years ago, no one had written computer code sufficiently complex to simulate core motion and its magnetic effects. Now several programs can simulate not only motion but even polarity reversals, some of which require only 1,200 years--a wink of geologic time.

Other investigators have seen real-world hints of why the reversals might occur. Earlier this year Gauthier Hulot of the Paris Geophysical Institute and his colleagues used satellite measurements to track changes in the field’s behavior near the top of the core. Far below the southern tip of Africa they found a small region where the magnetic field lines point peculiarly toward the center of the earth instead of toward the surface, as do the dominant lines in that region. A clump of similar patches exists near the North Pole.

Hulots team argues that the growth of these reversed patches, presumably eddies that are working against the primary motion of the core, can explain the current decline in the dipole field. What is more, the rampant growth of such patches has caused full-blown reversals in some computer simulations.

As for what life would be like at a time of flip-flopping polarity, Paramount Pictures new geophysical thriller The Core suggests that birds will lose their way and that humans will live under frequent radiation alerts. In the movie, world governments unite to build a manned craft that can burrow through 2,900 kilometers of solid mantle rock and survive the cores scorching heat--comparable to that at the surface of the sun. The mission: to set off nuclear explosions that could revive the cores natural flow and fight the magnetic fields tendency to reverse.

With current technology falling far short of this Jules Verne-esque solution, scientists can offer other reassurances: The shrinking dipole doesn’t guarantee an imminent reversal. Only a random few of the fields myriad natural fluctuations actually mushroom into an all-out switch. Recent computer simulations also indicate that the planets peripheral magnetic fields, which constitute only 10 percent of the total, may get stronger as the dominant dipole field weakens.

Most comforting of all may be that no major species extinctions correlate with past polarity reversals. As geophysicist Joseph L. Kirschvink of the California Institute of Technology says, "If there is a biological effect, were evolved for it."

Movement of North Magnetic Pole is accelerating

December 9, 2005 - After some 400 years of relative stability, Earth's North Magnetic Pole has moved nearly 1,100 kilometers out into the Arctic Ocean during the last century and at its present rate could move from northern Canada to Siberia within the next half-century. If that happens, Alaska may be in danger of losing one of its most stunning natural phenomena – the Northern Lights.

But the surprisingly rapid movement of the magnetic pole doesn't necessarily mean that our planet is going through a large-scale change that would result in the reversal of the Earth's magnetic field, Oregon State University paleomagnetist Joseph Stoner reported today at the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco, Calif.

"This may be part of a normal oscillation and it will eventually migrate back toward Canada," said Stoner, an assistant professor in OSU's College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences. "There is a lot of variability in its movement."

Calculations of the North Magnetic Pole's location from historical records goes back only about 400 years, while polar observations trace back to John Ross in 1838 at the west coast of Boothia Peninsula. To track its history beyond that, scientists have to dig into the Earth to look for clues.

Stoner and his colleagues have examined the sediment record from several Arctic lakes. These sediments – magnetic particles called magnetite – record the Earth's magnetic field at the time they were deposited. Using carbon dating and other technologies – including layer counting – the scientists can determine approximately when the sediments were deposited and track changes in the magnetic field.

The Earth last went through a magnetic reversal some 780,000 years ago. These episodic reversals, in which south becomes north and vice versa, take thousands of years and are the result of complex changes in the Earth's outer core. Liquid iron within the core generates the magnetic field that blankets the planet. Because of that field, a compass reading of north in Oregon will be approximately 17 degrees east from "true geographic north." In Florida, farther away and more in line with the poles, the declination is only 4-5 degrees west.

The Northern Lights, which are triggered by the sun and fixed in position by the magnetic field, drift with the movement of the North Magnetic Pole and may soon be visible in more southerly parts of Siberia and Europe – and less so in northern Canada and Alaska.

In their research, funded by the National Science Foundation, Stoner and his colleagues took core samples from several lakes, but focused on Sawtooth Lake and Murray Lake on Ellesmere Island in the Canadian Arctic. These lakes, about 40 to 80 meters deep, are covered by 2-3 meters of ice. The researchers drill through the ice, extend their corer down through the water, and retrieve sediment cores about five meters deep from the bottom of the lakes. The 5-meter core samples provide sediments deposited up to about 5,000 years ago. Below that is bedrock, scoured clean by ice about 7,000 to 8,000 years ago.

"The conditions there give us nice age control," Stoner said. "One of the problems with tracking the movement of the North Magnetic Pole has been tying the changes in the magnetic field to time. There just hasn't been very good time constraint. But these sediments provide a reliable and reasonably tight timeline, having consistently been laid down at the rate of about one millimeter a year in annual layers.

"We're trying to get the chronology down to a decadal scale or better." What their research has told Stoner and his colleagues is that the North Magnetic Pole has moved all over the place over the last few thousand years. In general, it moves back and forth between northern Canada and Siberia. But it also can veer sideways.

"There is a lot of variability in the polar motion," Stoner pointed out, "but it isn't something that occurs often. There appears to be a 'jerk' of the magnetic field that takes place every 500 years or so. The bottom line is that geomagnetic changes can be a lot more abrupt than we ever thought."

Shifts in the North Magnetic Pole are of interest beyond the scientific community. Radiation influx is associated with the magnetic field, and charged particles streaming down through the atmosphere can affect airplane flights and telecommunications.

Earth's Core, Magnetic Field Changing Fast, Study Says

June 30, 2008 - Rapid changes in the churning movement of Earth's liquid outer core are weakening the magnetic field in some regions of the planet's surface, a new study says.

"What is so surprising is that rapid, almost sudden, changes take place in the Earth's magnetic field," said study co-author Nils Olsen, a geophysicist at the Danish National Space Center in Copenhagen.

The findings suggest similarly quick changes are simultaneously occurring in the liquid metal, 1,900 miles (3,000 kilometers) below the surface, he said.

The swirling flow of molten iron and nickel around Earth's solid center triggers an electrical current, which generates the planet's magnetic field.

The study, published recently in Nature Geoscience, modeled Earth's magnetic field using nine years of highly accurate satellite data.

Fluctuations in the magnetic field have occurred in several far-flung regions of Earth, the researchers found.

In 2003 scientists found pronounced changes in the magnetic field in the Australasian region. In 2004, however, the changes were focused on Southern Africa.

The changes "may suggest the possibility of an upcoming reversal of the geomagnetic field," said study co-author Mioara Mandea, a scientist at the German Research Centre for Geosciences in Potsdam.

Earth's magnetic field has reversed hundreds of times over the past billion years, and the process could take thousands of years to complete.

Upper Atmosphere Radiation
The decline in the magnetic field also is opening Earth's upper atmosphere to intense charged particle radiation, scientists say.
Satellite data show the geomagnetic field decreasing in the South Atlantic region, Mandea said, adding that an oval-shaped area east of Brazil is significantly weaker than similar latitudes in other parts of the world.

"It is in this region that the shielding effect of the magnetic field is severely reduced, thus allowing high energy particles of the hard radiation belt to penetrate deep into the upper atmosphere to altitudes below a hundred kilometers (62 miles)," Mandea said.

This radiation does not influence temperatures on Earth. The particles, however, do affect technical and radio equipment and can damage electronic equipment on satellites and airplanes, Olsen of the Danish space center said.

Keep Watching
The study documents just how rapidly the flow in Earth's core is changing, said Peter Olson, a geophysics professor at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, who was not involved with the research.

By using satellite imagery, researchers have a nearly continuous measurement of changes, he said.

"They provide a good rationale to continue this monitoring longer," Olson said.

North Magnetic Pole Moving Due to Core Flux

December 24, 2009 - Earth's north magnetic pole is racing toward Russia at almost 40 miles (64 kilometers) a year due to magnetic changes in the planet's core, new research says.

The core is too deep for scientists to directly detect its magnetic field. But researchers can infer the field's movements by tracking how Earth's magnetic field has been changing at the surface and in space.

Now, newly analyzed data suggest that there's a region of rapidly changing magnetism on the core's surface, possibly being created by a mysterious "plume" of magnetism arising from deeper in the core.

And it's this region that could be pulling the magnetic pole away from its long-time location in northern Canada, said Arnaud Chulliat, a geophysicist at the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris in France.

Finding North
Magnetic north, which is the place where compass needles actually point, is near but not exactly in the same place as the geographic North Pole. Right now, magnetic north is close to Canada's Ellesmere Island.

Navigators have used magnetic north for centuries to orient themselves when they're far from recognizable landmarks.
Although global positioning systems have largely replaced such traditional techniques, many people still find compasses useful for getting around underwater and underground where GPS satellites can't communicate.

The magnetic north pole had moved little from the time scientists first located it in 1831. Then in 1904, the pole began shifting northeastward at a steady pace of about 9 miles (15 kilometers) a year.

In 1989 it sped up again, and in 2007 scientists confirmed that the pole is now galloping toward Siberia at 34 to 37 miles (55 to 60 kilometers) a year.

A rapidly shifting magnetic pole means that magnetic-field maps need to be updated more often to allow compass users to make the crucial adjustment from magnetic north to true North.

Wandering Pole
Geologists think Earth has a magnetic field because the core is made up of a solid iron center surrounded by rapidly spinning liquid metal. This creates a "dynamo" that drives our magnetic field.

Scientists had long suspected that, since the molten core is constantly moving, changes in its magnetism might be affecting the surface location of magnetic north.

Although the new research seems to back up this idea, Chulliat is not ready to say whether magnetic north will eventually cross into Russia.

"It's too difficult to forecast," Chulliat said.

Also, nobody knows when another change in the core might pop up elsewhere, sending magnetic north wandering in a new direction.

Evidence of second fast north-south pole flip found

September 6, 2010 - The Earth's magnetic poles flip around every 200,000 years or so, with north becoming south and vice versa. Normally, the process takes 4-5,000 years and it ought to be impossible for the flip to be much faster, if models of the Earth's core are correct, but now for the second time evidence has been found of a flip that appears to have taken only a few years.

The first time evidence was discovered of a rapid geomagnetic field reversal was in 1995 when well-preserved lava flows were found at Steens Mountain in Oregon in the US. Research on the rocks by a team led by geologist Scott Bogue of the Occidental College in Los Angeles revealed the lava flow had an unusual magnetic pattern that suggested the magnetic field had been shifting over 10,000 times faster than normal, at six degrees a day. The magnetic patterns are preserved within the magnetic crystals in the lava, formed as the lava flow cooled.

The first findings remained controversial and many scientists have challenged the fast flip-flop theory, but now Bogue and colleague Jonathan Glen of the US Geological Survey have found evidence in ancient lava rock in Battle Mountain, Nevada of a second fast flip, dated around 15 million years ago.

The record in one particular lava flow in Nevada suggests the magnetic field moved by 53 degrees in a single year. The lava started to cool, but was then heated again within a year as it was buried under fresh lava. The crystals in the rock were re-magnetized by the fresh lava, producing a shift of 53 degrees. This finding could mean the poles swapped over a period of only four years, but Brogue said it could also suggest there was a rapid acceleration period within the steady movement of the field.

According to some geologists a polarity reversal is overdue, since the Earth’s magnetic field has been weakening for the last century, and the last stable reversal was about 780,000 years ago. Even if it was a super-fast flip-flop, however, it would not be noticeable to most people. No one is certain why such reversals take place, although many scientists believe they are connected in some way with the convective movements of the liquid iron in the Earth’s outer core.

Tampa airport runways renumbered due to magnetic north movement

January 10, 2011 - The magnetic north pole is slowly moving, and the shift is affecting runways at airports in Tampa, Florida, with the major runway at Tampa International Airport closed until January 13th to allow for the signage to be changed and numeric designators at each end of the runway to be repainted.

The primary runway at the airport is designated 18R/36L, which means the runway is aligned along 180 degrees from north (that is, due south) when approached from the north and 360 degrees from north when approached from the south. Now the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has requested the designation be changed to 19R/1L to account for the movement of the magnetic north pole. Similar changes are also taking place at the Peter O. Knight airport in Tampa. Later in the month Tampa International Airport’s east parallel and east-west runways will also be closed to allow their signage to be changed. Over 100 sign panels and 40 signs will need to be changed, along with painted signs on the runways.

The magnetic north pole is always slowly moving and is currently heading towards Russia from its current position in far northern Canada. The magnetic north pole moves by around 64 km (40 miles) a year because of changes within the Earth’s core (unlike the true north pole which moves very slowly due to tectonic plate movements). It has moved from extremes of around 10 degrees east in the late 16th century to 25 degrees west early in the 19th century, and is now at around 3 degrees west. The north and south magnetic poles can also switch places, and this last happened about 780,000 years ago.

According to FAA spokesman Paul Takemoto changes at other airports may not be required because magnetic fields vary from place to place. Takemoto said re-designation is rarely required. Such changes are not that unusual, however, with Stansted Airport in London having to do the same thing in 2009, redesignating its 3,000 meter runway 23/05 as 22/04. Stansted airport officials said they would have to renumber the runway again — in another 56 years or so.

Kathleen Bergen, also from the FAA, said runway designations were based on geomagnetic information, and that aviation uses information on latitude, longitude, and the magnetic poles. She said that the magnetic poles are constantly changing, and movements of more than three degrees can affect runway designations and numbering. In far northern areas, where the relative difference in location between true north and magnetic north has a greater effect, aviators tend to use true north as their reference instead of magnetic north.

Earth's magnetic pole shift unleashing poisonous space clouds linked to mysterious bird deaths

January 13, 2011 - Following the unexplained deaths of several thousand birds over the last two weeks, events are now emerging that may offer a physics-based explanation for the mysterious deaths. It all begins on a runway in Tampa, where airport officials recently closed that runway in order to change the numeric designators painted there. Why are those numeric designators being changed? Because the Earth's magnetic poles are shifting and the numbers previously painted on the runway no longer match up with the magnetic measurements of sensitive airplane instruments.

As explains:

The primary runway at the airport is designated 18R/36L, which means the runway is aligned along 180 degrees from north (that is, due south) when approached from the north and 360 degrees from north when approached from the south. Now the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has requested the designation be changed to 19R/1L to account for the movement of the magnetic north pole.

This brings us to our first physics fact of this article:

Physics Fact #1: The Earth's magnetic poles are shifting. (And not just a little bit, but enough to affect airport runways on the scale of human observation.)

The role of Earth's magnetic field
The Earth's magnetic field is extremely important for protecting the planet from so-called "solar wind" and other electromagnetic influences from space. The magnetosphere, which is driven by the Earth's magnetic field, serves as a kind of electromagnetic barrier to prevent dangerous rays from reaching the surface of the planet.

Physics Fact #2: The Earth's magnetic field has flipped hundreds of times in the past.

The Earth's magnetic field "flips" (or reverses polarity) every few thousand years. This is called a geomagnetic reversal. In between these flips, the magnetic field can become quite weak and chaotic, causing "turbulence" in the field, which can effectively cause weaker gaps in the magnetosphere.

These magnetic gaps or weaknesses can allow outside influences that normally would not penetrate the magnetosphere to reach deep into that magnetosphere, theoretically all the way down to where birds fly at very low altitude.

Last week, a report from the Russia's Ministry for Extraordinary Situations (MCHS) warned that the weakening Earth magnetosphere was allowing "poisonous space clouds" to enter deep into Earth's atmosphere where it is coming into contact with birds.

These "space clouds" are called Noctilucent clouds which exist at very high altitudes (roughly 50 miles) and accumulate space dust from micrometeors and other sources.

What's really interesting here is that these Noctilucent clouds exhibit very high radar reflectivity. This means these clouds create a very large radar signature on weather tracking systems.

Physics fact #3: Noctilucent clouds have very high radar reflectivity.

Weather radar tracks phenomenon during bird kill
Now here's where this story gets really interesting: On New Year's Even when birds began falling out of the sky in Arkansas, the National Weather Service in North Little Rock documented an unusual phenomenon on their radar monitors.

"There are some indications that we're picking up a non-precipitation target," said Science and Operations Officer Chris Buonanno at the NWS. He went on to explain that the radar signature definitely was not indicative of a cloud or rainstorm. It was something altogether different.

At or around the same time this radar image appeared, birds began falling out of the sky.

Over the last several weeks, hundreds of thousands of birds and fish have been found dead across the globe. This same data is also reflected in an image compiled by Matt from who gave us permission to post this image:

A theory of what might be happening
The working theory in all this, at least for the birds, is that deadly space clouds are reaching into the lower atmosphere and killing these birds in flight, after which the birds fall to the ground. The reports of the birds experiencing "blunt trauma" are likely from the birds hitting the ground.

What, exactly, would be found in these deadly space clouds that might be killing the birds? One possibility is that these clouds might be moving along with gaps in the magnetosphere that would invite deadly radiation to "fry" the birds in flight, as one possibility (although this explanation seems unlikely, see below). I'm not aware whether tissues tests have been done on these birds to determine whether they died of intense radiation poisoning. It would also seem that if radiation reached so low into our atmosphere, it would have killed many plants and trees in the area, and there's no evidence of that occurring, at least not that I'm aware of.

Another possibility is that the deadly space clouds could have frozen the birds in flight with blasts of extremely cold air. But such an event also would have seemingly impacted the trees and plants at ground level, and there's no evidence of that occurring either.

The most likely explanation is that the birds were killed in-flight by changes in the composition of the air they were breathing. And as it turns out, Noctilucent clouds are largely made of a poisonous gas known as Hydrogen Cyanide. For all you chemists reading this, as the website explains:
Hydrogen Cyanide is also formed in interstellar clouds through one of two major pathways: via a neutral-neutral reaction (CH2 + N -> HCN + H) and via dissociative recombination (HCNH+ + e- -> HCN + H). The dissociative recombination pathway is dominant by 30%; however, the HCNH+ must be in its linear form. Dissociative recombination with its structural isomer, H2NC+ produces hydrogen isocyanide (HNC), exclusively.

Could humans be next?
The really concerning part about all this is the sudden realization that if these poisoning clouds of Hydrogen Cyanide could reach into our lower atmosphere, they could also theoretically reach ground level. That's where humans live, of course, and if such a poisonous cloud reached down into a major city such as New York, it would cause the mass instantaneous death of potentially millions of people.

Nobody is prepared to survive a sudden cloud of Hydrogen Cyanide -- not even the preppers. I own stored food and some emergency gear, but even I probably wouldn't survive a sudden Hydrogen Cyanide gas attack from outer space. Notably, Hydrogen Cyanide has been used as both a rodent killer and as a chemical precursor in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals (gee, why doesn't that surprise me?)

As Wikipedia explains, Hydrogen cyanide is extremely deadly:
A hydrogen cyanide concentration of 300 mg/m3 in air will kill a human within about 10 minutes. It is estimated that hydrogen cyanide at a concentration of 3500 ppm (about 3200 mg/m3) will kill a human in about 1 minute. The toxicity is caused by the cyanide ion, which halts cellular respiration by inhibiting an enzyme in mitochondria called cytochrome c oxidase.

Interestingly, a key chemical use of Hydrogen cyanide was developed by none other than IG Farben, the Nazi war era criminal pharmaceutical giant that was later broken up to become today's pharmaceutical giants, including Bayer.

Hydrogen cyanide is widely recognized as a chemical weapon and is even used on the tips of whaling harpoons to murder whales.

Physics fact #4: Hydrogen cyanide kills birds and humans very quickly.

Is this the result of a weapons test or attack?

That it is used as a chemical weapon might make some people wonder whether all this is fallout from some kind of weather control weapons experiment. It's not a crazy idea: Scientists in Abu Dhabi have experienced tremendous success bringing rain to that city through the use of weather control systems engineered in Europe (I'll be posting a full story on this shortly).

In the United States, meanwhile, the HAARP experimental program projects high-energy beams directly into the ionosphere.

Although we have no direct evidence of this, it is conceivable that HAARP technology could be altering the magnetosphere in ways that are contributing to the invasion of our lower atmosphere with these Noctilucent clouds compose of Hydrogen cyanide. This is just a wild guess at this point, however. We don't have any evidence that this is really happening.

But if it were, that would be a very clever weapon, indeed: Aim your weapons at the atmosphere above an enemy city, fire it up and wait for Hydrogen cyanide gas to kill off everybody in a minute or two. Then you turn off your beam weapon and play it all off as some sort of "freak natural disaster" or unexplained atmospheric mystery.

There is speculation, of course, that these bird deaths occurring in North America right now are really a test of precisely the weapon system I've described above. But this is just speculation, of course. We don't have any hard evidence that such a system is being used, nor even that it is possible.

The official HAARP website describes itself as a "facility for the study of ionospheric physics and radio science." It then displays a diagram showing HAARP waves bouncing off the ionosphere, beaming through "irregularities" and finally reaching a satellite in high orbit. These satellites are typically placed in geosynchronous orbits at roughly 26,000 miles above the Earth -- far higher than the 50 miles or so at which the Noctilucent clouds are located.

The HAARP home page, by the way, also contains a "security message" with the following warning:
This is a U.S. Government Computer System. This computer system operates as a world wide web server to provide information to the public concerning unclassified programs only. ...Unauthorized attempts to upload or change information; to defeat or circumvent security features; or to utilize this system for other than its intended purposes are prohibited and may result in prosecution under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 or other applicable statutes and regulations.

When Governor Jesse Ventura tried to ask questions about HAARP, he was met with extreme resistance and stonewalling by government officials.

Does this mean HAARP is a weapon being used to cause poisonous space clouds to enter the lower atmosphere and kill the birds? Not at all. That would be a leap at this point until we know more. But we do know that HAARP isn't talking about what it does, and that it is more than just a "radio science experiment."

We also know that weird things are happening to our planet's magnetic poles and weather systems. We know that birds are literally falling out of the sky dead. These facts are not to be taken lightly. They might be caused by "natural" events, or conceivably they could be influenced by man-made events.

In either case, something that could very easily threaten life on our planet may be afoot, and there's no logical reason to conclude it will be limited to birds and fish.

I've seen reports of some doctors chiming in on all this and blowing it off as "normal" deaths of birds and fish. Conventional doctors, of course, are the world's most experienced experts at missing the big picture, and they seem to haphazardly discount the most important fact about all this: Sure, birds and fish die every day. But not en masse.

They don't usually fall out of the sky by the thousands, in other words. These are obviously not normal events where birds are dying of normal causes. That much is obvious to everyone... except the doctors, it seems.

In conclusion, I can't explain these mysterious deaths with any high degree of confidence at this point. But I do know that thousands of birds don't fall out of the sky for no reason. There is an underlying cause that seems extremely important for us to observe, document and understand. There are many possible explanations that merit attention: Some of them might be attributable to natural phenomena, but others may be far more insidious.

It is important for the future of life on Earth that we solve this mystery sooner rather than later. Because if we don't understand this, we may sooner or later become victims of it.

Mass Animal Deaths Google Map

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