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Alias Born 09/14/2009

Re: Alleyba1 post# 14269

Friday, 01/14/2011 5:07:42 PM

Friday, January 14, 2011 5:07:42 PM

Post# of 19699

FACT: IPWG and it's current management are working tirelessly to get this deal done!!!

FACT: dilution needs to happen(HOW ELSE ARE THEY GOING TO PAY BILLS,LAWYERS, and TRAVEL etc), just the nature of the beast...what did you think was going to happen when you authorized 10B shares back in 09?? If you don't like it INVEST IN A BLUE CHIPS this is a pinky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FACT: Even though there are NO current WTE plants build IPWG WILL BUILD WTE WORLDWIDE once the Italian money comes in sooon!!! POLAND, MEXICO, CHINA, EGYPT, SAUDI ARABIA just to name a few.

FACT: The deal Peter and John B have been working on is BEYOND HUGE and takes average 24 months to complete!!!!!

FACT: This is a non-reporting, non-revenue (yet) producing company that has been tirelessly working to fund it's business plan...they found it and we are on the cusp of a GREAT beginning!!!

FACT: Don't rock the boat without obtaining all the details!!!!!

FACT: IPWG and it's current CEO along with Peter are the reason why we are still here breathing!!!! If it wasn't for Peter and John B we would be done back in MAY 09!!!!

FACT: Did anyone praise Peter for putting his own personal money into the company to keep the doors open!?!?!? Did anyone praise John B for working with out a salary!?!?!?

FACT: Money received from dilution is used to fund operations necessary to continue IPWG's objective!!! To claim it's used for anything else like personal gains is a TOTAL BS and LIE.

FACT: Peter, John B are not going anywhere...they WILL finish what they started!!!!!! And they WILL succeed!!!!

FACT: IPWG was started from came a long way and we are about to see it all come to FRUITION...great things in life take time!!!