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Re: Pauly The Fish post# 13228

Tuesday, 01/11/2011 12:47:52 PM

Tuesday, January 11, 2011 12:47:52 PM

Post# of 93068
I suppose it would appear to be strange if one was 'a doubting a Thomas'. That was supposed to be funny. LOL

I usually like to talk to the head of a company before I invest. I know Tom pretty well since we have talked many times.

The answer to your question is very simple. I either trust someone and accept what they say or I tell 'em to get the f##k out of my life. I like Tom and I trust him and I never interrogate him.

The man has worked his ass off from the 'get go'. Let him do his job and the time will come when all of the people who own this stock will be more than delighted.

Bon Voyage for now.