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Re: GEO928 post# 6164

Friday, 01/07/2011 4:16:52 PM

Friday, January 07, 2011 4:16:52 PM

Post# of 6557
GEO928: on the one hand, you claim and even bluster about wanting results and solutions, yet within the same realm, mine for rhetoric so obscure and devoid of any conventional logical process that one cannot even assign your attempts for consistency of your opinions to be anything beyond semantically desperate ploys. You utilize code words and buzz words, insinuating and obfuscating in lieu of clarity and of offering points that might support your opinions. Excuse me and Vexari and any others of this board whom might be cubbyholed by your term, “intellectual.” We are forced to conclude that you embrace Doofusim. Its poster child defines Doofusism: Sarah Pain-in-the-arse.

The Tea Party movement mainly was an outgrowth from the camp of Ron Paul supporters. It was quickly urinated out of its vision by Sarah’s thrust and power grab. The ABTT Networks’ description was hijacked. For once, they got it right. Yet, you will maintain that there is no planned opposition in 2010 and beyond. One can safely make that claim behind the curtain of Doofusism. The public-consumption, force-fed, psuedo-ideology of “conservatism,” doesn’t have a monopoly on planned opposition. One simply observes the likes of Dennis Kucinich, being shouted over for the last three years and hung out to dry by the accepted “progressives.” Now the shrill drum beat of the planned-opposition left comes from the conga section of none other than Matt Taibbi. One cannot make this stuff up, but it sure gets eaten up. Simply exchange paper-doll clothes for the rhetoric of Sarah and Matt. Wait, Matt can actually parse a sentence.

The pragmatic and fashionable Twenty-First Century ideology is hogwash, tinted either blue or red, depending on one’s homerism choices. Already, the American sheople are being told that their choices for next year will be Sarah or Jeb Bush vs. Hitlery or The O’Bomber.

Still, you will ooze out that this is a democratic republic/representative democracy. Never mind, that under The Articles of Confederation, unanimous vote was required for change and that even under The Constitution, we have 2/3 and 3/4 votes necessary for change. Thus to cling to your preset opinion, that was sold to you, a redefining of democracy is plopped out. Lincoln was elected twice on a plurality. You meet yourself coming and going. In 1815, what was the democracy for non-land owners, women, blacks, etc? At least, the Indians had and still have sovereignty.

Somehow, so many attempts to debate/discuss/reason to bring a broader understanding and craft dreams for solutions hasn’t been on your plate. No chef seems worthy for you. What have you cooked up? It is communism against capitalism. Sheesh, the very public school system that is spoken for from The Communist Manifesto has engrained that into your mind. These weren’t new with Marx. He simply penned what secret societies had advocated for centuries. That’s the crap that was thrust upon the first colonists that came to this land from Europe. Who laid upon them this dogma? Why it was those trading companies. Your capitalists were the communists. This was no different from the bankers and corporate entities that funded the Bolsheviks. You don’t know what capitalism is. Corporatism is the actual enemy of laissez-faire capitalism. Corporatism is communism. It’s been the political philosophy of choice for decades to bring about monopoly. After years of study, I have gravitated to anarchocapitalism. You dismiss it, because you have never taken the time and effort to study this subject. Yet, you have your opinions about it. If that’s not sheoplism, I don’t know what is.

Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin were positioned members of secret societies. They would move in later years to have a great replica of the Goddess of Reason, the symbol of the French Reign of Terror, brought to this nation and planted in NYC Harbor. Their concept of liberty was and is (the secret societies): destruction of church, of government, and of ownership of personal property. These were among the framers of our government that you pant about. Yet, you rail on me for advocating a state-free society in lieu of one that has rapidly moved toward its goal of a Luciferian oligarchy, not just nationwide, but worldwide. Here’s just one of numerous information sources on America’s Secret Destiny:
Here’s another from one of their own; over sixty years ago:

In the ‘80s, while you were playing with yourself, I was an activist working with a network of patriots, especially in the fight against the Con-Con. Someone paid for my membership in the John Birch Society so that I could recruit some of their members to work with us. The JBS is infinitely more anti-communist than you in your fondest wet dream. They usually actually know what they are talking about and document their writings. They also have put your conceptualization of “conservatism” in the streets for decades and spilled the beans about Nixon, Reagan, and Bush, the so-called conservatives. You ought to read The New American some time. I also spent most of the ‘80s and ‘90s and part of the ‘70s studying law. It was actual code, not mere procedure. When one understands how this nation formulated a Uniform Commercial Code not altogether dissimilar than the commercial code that came into the Roman Empire, then one sees how even the Constitution has long been usurped. Corporations have no personal responsibility. Governments incorporated and declared that they were persons that could be aggrieved, but could not be sued; so much for equal protection.

This is not about me being right and/or you being wrong. The so-called Food Safety Act is about to be signed by The O’Bomber. This wasn’t submitted and pushed during the administrations of public-consumption conservatives. Can one imagine the screams if the Ronnie Ray Gun Administration was so seeded and ceded with Monsanto people? Where are all those eco-watch people now? Oh! There’s no need to watch with a liberal. That’s the crap that’s sold and the sheople march on. Vexari and I scream about this stuff and you support the fascist government of Amerikkka. You deny the planned opposition. Well, Baby Cakes, just because this is all beyond your grasp, doesn’t mean that it’s not part of the modern reality. The fantasy world contains the artificial divide between liberals and conservatives. It’s funny on Saturday Night Live but frightening for its continuous consequences.

From The Declaration of Independence:

The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.

For abolishing the free system of English laws in a neighboring province, establishing therein an arbitrary government, and enlarging its boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule in these colonies:
For taking away our charters, abolishing our most valuable laws, and altering fundamentally the forms of our governments:

For suspending our own legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.

Yet, within a few years later, look at what was submitted for the law of the land, from Section 8:

To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings; And

When one reads the debates, especially between James Madison and Patrick Henry, it is easily axiomatic that secret societies prevailed in stripping provisions of The Articles of Confederation to form a deliberate tyrannical government, by the their own very definition. Years later, your boy, Ronnie Ray Gun, would sprip provisions from The Bill of Rights. Please explain how gun grabbing and massive expansion of the federal government made him or you a conservative. Statist, yes and that is exactly your dogma.

All the warnings of standing armies, of banking institutions, and interventions into the affairs of foreign sovereign nations have gone unheeded. Yet, you exalt these actions and call yourself a conservative. You’re a conservative to what? Well, certainly not the Constitution. You’re against the conservative self-rule that had centuries of history through nations. The only fitting definition that I can find for you is the same one that politicians of the former-Soviet Empire applied to themselves: conservatives. These are the same ones who I know to be communists and statists.

We had your revisionist spin of history concerning JFK dropped upon this board. Joe Kennedy did not buy the presidency for his son. He, no doubt, had severe influence in getting John the House seat shortly after WW2. He probably had some pull in John’s election to the U.S. Senate. Nixon was favored to win the election in 1980. The Kennedy family were quasi-mavericks to the Eastern Establishment and the ever-growing power of The CFR. But the youthful JFK was very savvy about the political game and came off quite sparkling with the medium of television, whereas looked horrible. A little makeup would have done wonders for him, but his staff just didn’t get it. BTW, Edgar Bronfman, Sr., contributed $250K to both Nixon AND JFK in 1960. Bronfman was a fierce rival of Joe Kennedy.

Moxa may been in error, with his suggestion, on this board, the reason, why JFK was assassinated. He certainly wasn’t adamant about it. The depth of the ensuing cover-up was frightening. Consider this JFK speech:
Robert and John Kennedy quickly realized that they were in over their heads with the CIA. They also didn’t know what a viper that Robert Strange McNamara was. Immediately following the Bay of Pigs Invasion, JFK fired CIA Director and close Kennedy family friend, Allen Dulles. The Dulles and Bush families were probably even closer. After the assassination, Allen Dulles is the point man for The Warren Commission, featuring Arlen “Magic Bullet” Spectre. There were many reasons why JFK was hit. All of them involve his danger to the powers-that-be. For one to deny the conspiracies leading up to the murder and the cover-up of JFK is virtual idiocy.

Fast forward to another cover-up committee that “Magic Bullet” Spectre sat on: The 9/11 Omissions Commission. This was no accident. The lunacy of the feral gumit’s conspiracy theory that 17 cave-dwelling Arabs took down three buildings with box cutters and that they were all identified within hours and even though, at least, eight on the list were still alive and two came forward and protested their innocence and the “evidence” featured the alleged passport of the very secular Mohammad Atta, “found” under less than 1% non-metallic debris at Ground Zero, in pristine condition, all the while some of the metal burned on for months and three towers came down at virtual free-fall speed and NORAD was in stand down and the Pentagon was hit all the way to the E Ring, since the defense mechanisms were disabled and pay no attention to the missing gold and trillions and the Bin Laden family and other Saudi big wigs being whisked away, while no one else could fly. I can go on and on about this for hours. Facts are facts and fantasy is fantasy. The speed at which Homeland Security was foisted upon this nation is terror beyond imagination. Yet, you’re fine with it. Just whose side are you on?

While men slept, radical changes were made in banking regulations and securities that affect the small players and potential customers and even possible employees. Today, I plant my very own seeds in trays and some corporation will claim ownership of some form of those seeds and want to hold me criminally responsible. Yeppers, that’s your Amerikkka. Or are you just here to annoy us?

Try watching Collapse with Mike Ruppert. Yes, it has holes. Most sources of information do. That's the nature of the beast. It's up to you to learn and expand your filters. Then you won't make pompous declarations of why Amerikkka invaded Iraq. Ziggy laid it all out years previously. It has been all scripted and you missed it.

"Keep your state off of my body"
"When in doubt, empty the clip."

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