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Re: MistySteel post# 29

Tuesday, 12/28/2010 11:31:14 PM

Tuesday, December 28, 2010 11:31:14 PM

Post# of 67
It seems like the US manipulation of the N-S Korea is about "China" is being independent; so, US manipulation (obviously Europe is together) is trying to manipulation Asians to fight.

I hope that they are not ignorant to be manipulated by the US manipulators!


Greenspan started the most demonic economic war against Americans and America, and Bernanke is his puppet carrying out the same.

How does Capitalism literally and legally steal money from mass? The answer is in Genesis 3:1, the deception in most subtle form which most of people is completely being fooled into.

Almighty God, lead and guide us to fight against demonic power manipulating wars. At present time, N-S Korea is used by the greedy few as they were as we see it in global history. All are under control by Your Mighty Power, and Your Will be accomplished. Praise You. Amen.


Wars are manipulated by the Few.

The Greedy Capitalists are continuing to manipulate S-N Korea to exploit their economic and international minority status -- as previous wars which were also manipulated.


South Korea declared North Korea’s regime and military its enemy after the communist country’s deadly shelling of a border island last month that killed four people, including two civilians.

South Korea stopped short of calling North Korea its “main enemy” in a defense white paper to be published tomorrow, the defense ministry said in a statement on its website. The term main enemy was dropped in 2004 under South Korea’s “Sunshine Policy” of engagement with North Korea.

President Lee Myung Bak has taken a tougher approach to North Korea since coming to power in 2008 and in the wake of the deadly Nov. 23 shelling of Yeonpyeong Island. Lee named Kim Kwan Jin as his new defense minister just three days after the artillery barrage and has pledged to strengthen the military.