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Alias Born 02/03/2010


Re: topdog52 post# 11488

Saturday, 12/18/2010 3:47:49 PM

Saturday, December 18, 2010 3:47:49 PM

Post# of 93070
topdog52, we have to keep in mind that revenues through June 2010 were less than 100K. So the question is what revenues can we expect from SFIO from June through December. My guess would be $500,000 to $1,000,000. But that amount is fine with me since it shows that they have a product that sells. That is my only concern at the moment. My guess for 2011 would be $20,000,000.

Regarding the same address for 2 companies, I would guess if that is true then SFIO is leasing space from the law firm. We have to keep in mind that the office space that Tom needs would not have to be 1000 square feet. He does most of his work out of his home since he is always making calls around the world and why not make them while he is in his PJ's. He is calling so many different time zones consequently 8 to 5 doesn't work for him. He doesn't need an impressive office since he doesn't have walk in business.

All the above is just my viewpoint/opinion.