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Alias Born 09/16/2010

Re: chevy56 post# 25428

Wednesday, 12/01/2010 8:59:20 AM

Wednesday, December 01, 2010 8:59:20 AM

Post# of 118203
This Phase...

can best be described as the setup.

The suckers have already sold or are about to do so. The daily/weekly traders (yes, have made money on the ups and downs) will get caught out of position when it finally runs.

When the top blows, it will be big. I believe we will be north of $1 in a hurry (and it won't be half penny moves each day for six months; could happen in less than a week when it finally launches production). When it runs north, it will do so aggressively. Followed by a big drop and then another huge move upwards. Again, to shake out the suckers.
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