So I guess your point is a ridiculous answer is still an answer. Ok, got it.
And for the record, there is no answer I "want to hear". Just something that makes a little sense. A company spending $36 million in cash to show the overall company is worth $174 million to me makes no sense. Just show us why it's worth $174 million, and the stock will trade to $6 on it's own, and the company can keep the $36 million in cash. Who knows, maybe if they show us what they have, the market might think it's worth more then $6 a share.
And by the way, I've been trading now for a long time. I've never seen a company state where the stock should be trading. Many companies state their shares are undervalued. But I've never seen a company put a price target on their shares.
This post is my opinion and should not be used as investment advice.