Here we are...
on March 7, 2005..USA Today says gas prices going up .20-25 cents in the next couple of weeks ( which means you can expect another .10 on top of that 'round July 4th), we've retained the services of one the country's leading auto consultants as full blown Director of the Company, we've been teased a touch about completed results of the IVT, the Auto World is apparently jazzed about the ISO torque (and not having to pay Toyota to be able to use the Torsen I would guess) being a better cheaper option to the Torsen etc etc.. So unless I'm really clueless or there is incredible resistance to any/all TOVC tech. via this NIH syndrome, I would have to believe when, in the next couple of "week's not month's" or thereabouts we have meaningful release, that is going to get us going and potentially exploding...( Yes I back to thinking happy thoughts and am climbing out of my winter funk..must be the sun today and the site of ice melting out the office window....Of course this is subject to change at any moment..)Help me out friends, are the stars aligning or have I had too much coffee today...???