Arnold Cytogenix lab has more than enough equipment to make the new DNA for their experiments.[your post,As CYGX doesn't have an approved facility to manufacture the new DNA,]They don't have the facility to manufacture large quantities yet.Just remember from December PR[Gram or greater quantities of very high purity DNA can now be produced in test tubes or flasks in laboratories at a fraction of the time and cost of DNA manufactured using traditional bioprocess methods.]No fermentation vats of cloned E. coli bacteria ,no dangerous bacteria ,no need for an approved facility. also this new method is very clean and safe,[ We believe that by eliminating these extra pieces in the DNA plasmid, scientists will now have much more freedom and control in designing better and safer DNA drugs].Also do you think that Cytogenix thinks that the share holders in general of CYGX are a lot smarter than the average investor and the Pr is written for this group .I don't think of myself as super smart but I sure can read between the lines.