Zenit has been pretty much wrong before, last outrages claim was a huge market crash to absurdly low levels, then the rally from March '03 started, a number of months later Zenit flips to the outrages bullish view.
Anyway, the reason I posted the Zenit link was that we shouldn't just expect the indicies to follow each other, and I think Airedales comment on amplitude hits dead on. Bullish interest in tech stocks just isn't there now, and that might simply be sector rotation that is typical of this time in the economic cycle (right Blissbull!!!). So, if you believe in Hurst, you still need to pick the best trading vehicle to use, a little thought towards sector strength and amplitude observations might be all that is needed to pick the right vehicle. Right now I'm thinking XLE, IWN and SPY might be better choices than tech based ones like SMH or QQQQ.