High to hyper inflation is coming -- that was already a certainty because of the incredible spending habits of the past decade, and now the lunacy of monetizing the National debt is like putting a rocket booster on it. The question is whether the massive inflation hits us quickly or if we will endure a protracted round of deflation first. Even if we get the deflation, it is likely to be accompanied by commodity inflation which is guaranteed because of the de facto devaluation of the $US. Actually, deflation accompanied by commodity dollar devaluation induced inflation would be the worst and most painful scenario possible.
It will also be painful and unpleasant to take the medicine required to straighten the nation out. Very painful for a lot of folks who are used to a high standard of living based on the constant spending of taxpayers' money that we do not have, especially the coddled and catered to public employee sector.
Either way, it will not be pleasant.
"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" -- Joshua 24:15