Quantum Dots Have The Highest Potential Conversion Efficiency
Quantum dots also have several very unique qualities that
are the primary result of their small sizes and the optical
and electrical effects at these dimensions. One of the most
interesting and most significant is their ability to create
multiple exciton generation (MEG).[1][2] The MEG effect
is important because it creates the potential to harvest 3
electrons per photon from the sun, and some reports have
been published of up to 7 electrons for each photon. Like
a farmer harvesting corn, solar cells are nothing more than a
way to collect photons sent to earth by the sun and
collecting these photon so we can harvest electrons from
them which we in turn use to produce electricity. Prior to
quantum dots, you could only extract one electron from
each photon. Now with quantum dots the potential is there
to collect 3 or more opening the window for exponential
increases in conversion efficiency and not just during that
single peak window of sunlight, but throughout the entire
day. Although the technology is not there yet, NREL has
substantiated to the theoretical conversion efficiency for
qdots is 30 percent greater than for other materials.
Additionally quantum dots are able to receive energy from
both the infrared and ultraviolet spectrum, thus allowing for
24 hour per day energy.
Note: MEG has the potential for "exponential
increases in conversion efficiency".
I believe we have accomplished MEG of 3 electrons
per photon, and the next frontier is producing
more per photon. Jabbour's presentation in Japan
stated (confirming what I thought) that the width
of the ligand is integral to the production of MEG.
It is possible to fine tune the width to maximize
and increase MEG, and possibly by different capping
and dye combinations, too.
Who wrote the above paragraph? Dr. Bob Glass in
Sustainable and cost effective solar technology made
from Tetrapod Quantum Dot Solar Cells
"There are no limits.
There are only plateaus,
and you must not stay there,
you must go beyond them."
~~ Bruce Lee