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Re: None

Saturday, 10/30/2010 1:45:48 PM

Saturday, October 30, 2010 1:45:48 PM

Post# of 137667
NO REVENGE! say Alabama readers and maybe voters, too, re: the $50 million that Peter wants guaranteed. These folks seem pretty darned intelligent.

Below, please find every comment published in the local newspaper website made by Alabama residents regarding Peter's request for County Commission backing of his ridiculous plan for help on his $50 million bond sale. They do not paint a pretty picture, and the reaction is 100% negative. If you'd like to read them for yourself in the original state, just go to:

Here they are, unedited and inclusive of every single posting as of 1:44pm edt on 10/30/10.

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fullofsorrow October 26, 2010 at 5:57AM
please stay away from this .with the debt he already has in other towns with no progress in site sounds like a scam to me.
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cottonbayou2 October 26, 2010 at 7:06AM
Mike Dow says he's doing this to bring new jobs - hello - ask him to swear on a stack of bibles that he isn't getting a penny from this deal. This deal will cost them nothing - they get $50 Million, use 10 of it to pay Dow and his buddies for their land and then what?
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heyitisme October 26, 2010 at 10:53AM
$50 million would be better spent if the county simply hired 600 people to walk around picking up trash 8 hours a day for 3 years than this joke.
Give me $50 million, I'll buy 50 million lottery tickets and the county will get a better return on its investment
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TVC15 October 26, 2010 at 11:49AM
Renege Supercars might be the better name for this venture.
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ccw36575 October 26, 2010 at 6:17AM
I agree.....stay clear of this. The company has to repay $300,000 to an Ohio county in a months time, yet they want a $50 million bond from our county. Definately sounds like we would be left holding the bag and with our new County Commisioner Connie Hudson, all she would do would be to hike our taxes like she did the City to pay for their mistake.
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PresidentJeffersonDavis October 26, 2010 at 7:51AM
How stupid! Stop, stop, stop! People of Alabama and Mobile surely you have been watching what has happened on the national level when government gets in the business of business. Your tax dollars will be wasted and used to make the company and unions rich while "we the tax payers" get the shaft. Let the free market system work on its own. I do not blame these business people for attempting to use government to finance their ventures, heck, that is what businesss people do but "we the people" do not have to say yes to risking the tax payers money. The yankee government just bailed out GM, Chrysler, and the unions up north with your money and you will never see it again and your children and grandchildren will be paying the price for decades while those filthy rich politicians, union members, and company owners live high and mighty on your dime. Wake up people of Alabama, it it sounds like pie in the sky then it probably has some arsenic in it!
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conchiejoe October 26, 2010 at 7:51AM
Great name ---REVENGE---
Why can't they build it in Austraila and what would the promoters/partners paychecks be until it folds?
Sounds like Dow found a way to build a race track on tax payer money... All he has to do is wait until they fold and guess what instant Race Track... and who paid for it?

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elmoq369 October 26, 2010 at 8:24AM
What about the biz model ?
I would think people who buy exotic supercars either write a check or lease it through a Corporation
Since the lease is based partly on the residual value ,that might be really tough
So it's Corvette motor, why not buy a Corvette?
I can't imagine some one buying this vehicle over a Ferrari F430 or a Ferrari California at the same price point
2010 Lamborghini Gallardo for 10% more ?
Aston Martin V12 Vantage $180,000
Prospective buyers to fly into the Mobile Airport ?
NO , these kind of cars tend to be sold in HUGE cities
LOTS of cars near this price point that have vastly superior technology .
Location ? Prichard ? Come on..................
Why not have an IPO ?
If the deal was " solid " then the biz model is terribly flawed , an all around loser
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workforlivn October 26, 2010 at 9:32AM
'Now Revenge wants the county to agree to a “moral obligation” to repay $50 million of that borrowing.'
How is this different from an 'actual' obligation? If the taxpayer wants to be sure of one thing it is that the taxpayer will end up doing the moral thing and paying out $50,000,000.00.
They have done their market research. That color fits right in Prichard.
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cruiseking October 26, 2010 at 10:31AM
Quote from John McEnroe: "YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS!!!!!!"
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pwillie October 26, 2010 at 10:46AM
"SCAM"!............Nothing but scam!.....
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honkytonker October 26, 2010 at 10:58AM
Anyone in government fooling around with this is flirting with prison time.
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something2say October 26, 2010 at 11:21AM
Mike Dow, go away. You have done nothing to benefit Greater Mobile. You are full of yourself and a loser when it comes to business. Go find another city to infect with you fly by night scams.
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chadtheanimal October 26, 2010 at 12:02PM
I looked on the stock chart for the other company mentioned, Revenge Designs, Inc.
The shares are actually trading(if that's what you wanna call it) at $.0002. I may be wrong but I believe that is actually two hundredths of a penny which would make the whole 1.74 billion worth only $348,000. At one time the shares were traded at $.10 which would have been valued at $174,000,000.00. If my math is correct, the stock has lost 99.8% of its value. Moral obligation, these officials should have a moral obligation to make sure they protect tax payer money from pie in the sky ideas like this.
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theotherdonald October 26, 2010 at 12:59PM

theotherdonald October 26, 2010 at 1:08PM
what me worry?---we don't elect "leaders" dumb enough to fall for this.(or do we??)
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byt October 26, 2010 at 4:02PM
If it looks like a turd, smells like a turd....I'll bet its gonna taste like a turd.
"Revenge Designs, has sold stock over the counter. That firm, which hasn’t filed financial reports with regulators, has 1.74 billion shares outstanding. Shares last traded for TWO-HUNDRETHS OF A PENNY on Friday, according to a pricing service."
"Last year, he received $300,000 from a revolving loan fund in Henry County, Ohio. Officials there have said Collorafi has until Nov. 27 to repay".
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the doctor October 27, 2010 at 11:17PM
I think the commissioners need to make a trip to Michigan to see this 200,000 sq ft building and meet the 50 employees. That would be quite a trick inasmuch as Peter is working out of a drop box in a UPS store. If you check out his website open house pics you can see he has no machinery,no cars in work and didnt even build the car in the display picture above, it was built by Roush. He may even lose the car to some of the lawsuits currently filed against him. My opinion is that he is a con artist trying to cover one scams debts with a new scam, that "moral obligation bit" is not so much to make the project look stronger but to setup some credit for him since he cannot get any with his history of failure.
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scarlet steffy October 30, 2010 at 12:33PM
Forgive me if my math is off a little, but the shares of this "public company" are selling for .0002 per share. That's not two hundreths of a cent a share, it's TWO THOUSANDTHS of a cent a share. I did some research on this outfit on a stock board called Investorshub and there are over 300,000 posts about this business and quite a few discussions about what the shareholders feel were outright lies and broken promises that were made to them. Also, this Collorafi has apparently never even released a company financial statement in any of his several years of operation. I'd suggest checking this website out, they say some outright terrible things (which they seem quite ready, willing and able to document the proof of) about the "company" and Mr. Collorafi.
Do we really need to involve ourselves with companys with this kind of net worth (can't be much, if anything), reputation (there has to be a reason that the stock trades at this ridiculous dollar figure), seemingly ridiculous business model, and zero curent business operations?