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Wednesday, 10/27/2010 3:22:48 PM

Wednesday, October 27, 2010 3:22:48 PM

Post# of 1522
CORRECTION: Entourage Mining Ltd. Updates Technical Report on Pires and Prepares for Second Phase of Exploration
Date : 10/27/2010 @ 1:59PM
Source : MarketWire
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CORRECTION: Entourage Mining Ltd. Updates Technical Report on Pires and Prepares for Second Phase of Exploration

The news release issued on Oct. 27, 2010 at 9:43 am ET contained the wrong stock symbol. The symbol has been corrected in the following news release:

Entourage Mining Ltd. ("Entourage" or the "Company") (OTCBB: ENMGF) reports that the Company has received an updated National Instrument 43-101 Technical Report on the Pires Gold Project situated in Goias State, Central Brazil. The report includes recommendation to drill up to 21 diamond drill holes on a minimum of four separate areas including the Point 1, Gold-Cobalt, Cobalt-Manganese and the Garimpo (artisanal mining area) areas of the property.

The report provides an overview of the spring 2010 drilling campaign (previous Phase One) and indicates a new two-phased program of exploration. The recommended Phase 1 exploration program, from the report, will integrate property-wide geological mapping and airborne geophysics, leading to target definition programs. The geological mapping will increase detail in the existing general map of structure across the property.

The target definition will include additional hand-trenching, surface sampling, and where appropriate, ground magnetic surveys. These target evaluations are intended to lead to optimized drill collar locations, for the drill program which will be the focus of Phase 2.

As well, drill locations will be determined by the previous ground samples which have yielded significant gold values. For example, a drill hole will be collared in the Garimpo area proximal to sample HOC 09-18 which yielded 24.97 grams/tonne (g/t) (0.8 oz/tonne). A total of 10 holes will be collared in the Garimpo area and an additional 10-13 holes will test the Point 1 area to the south and the gold cobalt and cobalt manganese areas of the central area of the property. Extensive sampling of the property has yielded samples carrying more than 50g/t Au (gold) from south of the Point 1 area (south end of the property) to the near north end of the property a distance of 14.6 km (9 miles).

Entourage President, Gregory Kennedy states: "The Company is encouraged with the recommendations of the authors of the 43-101 report. These two phases of exploration should better define the types of mineralization present on the Pires property. Since previous exploration has indicated high values of gold samples, this two-phased program will give the Company a more comprehensive overview of the large Pires property."

Harrison Cookenboo, Ph D, P. Geo, co-author of the technical report and a qualified person, has reviewed the technical aspects of this news release.

On Behalf of the Board

Gregory F. Kennedy, President

Forward Looking Statement

Except for historical information contained herein, the statements in this press release may be forward looking statements. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties, which may cause Entourage Mining Ltd.'s actual results in future periods to differ materially from forecasted results. These risks and uncertainties include, among other things, volatility of commodity prices, product demand, market competition, and risks inherent in Entourage Mining Ltd.'s operations. These and other risks are described in the Company's Annual Report on Form 20-F and other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


Entourage Mining Ltd.

Gregory F. Kennedy



604-669-4368 (FAX)

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