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Alias Born 08/05/2009

Re: Sklauble post# 39817

Monday, 10/25/2010 1:09:34 AM

Monday, October 25, 2010 1:09:34 AM

Post# of 72136
I agree with what your saying Sklauble; especially the overnight part. Where I am coming up with these dollar figures is my speculation of what a major company is going to be willing to just buy us out at so they can get on to business them selves. O a longer time prediction of where we will be.

Take Clear; they are a six dollar stock. We have much more going for us then they do, IMO of course. Can a company that has 10 times the speed that Clear has make it to 1/2 of their share price?

I think we both no the answer to that and yes it all depends on how successful our marketing plan works. Go Val, GO MDGC