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Alias Born 08/05/2009

Re: ShutUpAndGrabTheLoot post# 39698

Saturday, 10/23/2010 2:09:21 AM

Saturday, October 23, 2010 2:09:21 AM

Post# of 72136
I have no information at this time other than what lucky posted to day it sounds like we may get some information next week. I am as excited as any to get information and I have let Val and Charles know that I am hungery for it and beleive they will let me know if they have it. Val has to be very busy and as much as I have wanted to call him ,I hanen't because I would rather him stay foccused on what he is doing. I can only imagine how much that phone distracts him.

Lucky thinks the Unilava deal has to be 100% firm because we need their call center to handle 800 calls that come in from the internet ads. The phone is being manufactured in China and Val has to get a marketing plan. Hey I think his plate is very full.

Next week I think were going to get what your looking for. This was a very good week and I expect we will be seeing volume picking up next week as word is out on the streets now about MDGC. For people that get excited about cup and handles we have a beutiful one forming that is going to be catching a whole lot of attension.

More from luckydd

Just talked with Jose at EquitiTrend and he is quite impressed with the contact he has had with MDGC shareholders.They are working hard to get the word out to thier contacts also.Expecting to meet with Val next week in San diego.Apparently Val will also be meeting with a couple of tech companies while there.For those who didn't know EquitiTrend is also connected with Aerius. --FWIW I sent an e-mail to Val this a.m. asking a few questions.He replied he will get to them shortly as is quite busy. He also said--"Great things coming next week" ----I would not wait for MDGC to get any lower.This may be the last time to buy under .007--IMO Hold Em lucky

luckydd Share Friday, October 22, 2010 3:45:06 PM
Re: frdmlover post# 39660 Post # of 39699

Didn't go there.He did say they have a long list of questions for Val that shareholders have been asking.Will get the answers when they meet with him.So I think we will see more info available from EquitiTrend after this meeting and not needing to bug Val to get the answers. Hold Em lucky