Drillbit & narvo thanks.
Being right is one thing, but in investing it only counts if you apply it properly future plays.
I'm simply seeing inconsistancies in the SHO to make it hard to to have a heads up on undervalued/overshorted plays.
Drill, with PYST I'm hearing they are on the SHO. The MM's seem to have patterned the trading the same way everyday with this stock. If they read this post their stradegy will likely change. To be seen.
aGoodCHance brings up a good point too and not to be discounted.
Narvo, a couple weeks ago I brought up the point you and matrix mentioned tonight. Without knowing the D A I L Y amount of shares that are in excess of the true o/s, it's anybody's guess to properly use this as a trading tool.
Because the rule states a position as small as 1/2 of 1 percent out of balance qualifies a stock to be listed, it's hard to properly evaluate each stock WITHOUT KNOWING THE EXACT DAILY NUMER.
So whether I'm right or wrong isn't important for any belt notches. I'm just trying to understand the truth and facts on any issue, and use it (or not use it) for future DD and trades.
But thanks for your kind words.
narvo, wtg on GLKCE. The only reasons I feel GLKCE was a true short position (and still is)...well I think I've posted ad nauseum all the reasons and need not to repeat them yet again. LOL
I'll just state the T/A was confirming an o/s of 1.9 million. You can fill in the rest by looking at trading volume and some of my posts earlier this month.
This apparently obvious overage is the only reason I'm saying the SHO effect may be seen here.
It's to be seen, but if your position is at a comfortable $$ level for you, then the next few days could be interesting, but watch it close. Their history of dilution cannot be ignored with the amount of time that has past since their 2-2 R/S.
I hope it flies for you buddy. It certainly woke up after I left for appts. this morning...Holy rip!
Bo : )