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Re: None

Thursday, 10/07/2010 8:02:24 PM

Thursday, October 07, 2010 8:02:24 PM

Post# of 519



Ok in Iraq the turmoil continues and the government is not close to sitting, if this is all a ploy (Keep in mind I have said the GOI has been seated, But I could be wrong.
and if I am, Allawi will have the GOI set by or during the weekend and be sworn in
this is why in just 5 hours things change so much. But all we can do is give you the latest info we have and update on the latest a few hours later or when ever it changes
so you have to keep an open mind about all this.

Example CBI made 142 million in mortgage loans just today and loan money on other project, if the RV was not close or have not happen how can they do what they are doing?

Well now, Obama's little non-action drama has turned into a global comedy. Iraq is the stage and actors, the world is the audience.

Obama is not very well liked right now in a lot of countries, because of this occupation and the US demands on Iraq, I have much to back all that up also!

You see Allawi is the diplomat and Maliki is the tyrant. Allawi is not stupid. He got to thinking, Hey I am in charge of the Military now - why not try to get the Premiership. So he goes to all the blocks with his savvy attitude and wins them over.
What a brillant end run!!!!!

Maliki had enough votes and requested Supreme Council and Pres. Talibani to swear in the GOI, because he knew one special person was not going to do it, but Maliki had 200 at the time so he could have been PM! That is why we thought he had it in the bag.

Question: 200? then isnt he the PM
yes because news articles are about 90% smoke and mirrors

agreed, but there is one person that is overlooked in this and they need his support or it will drag out and this one member wants Allawi, so who in parliament has this power?
It is the oldest member of Parliament!!!

Kurdish lawmaker: “Fouad Masoum”


The RV will be announced on a Thursday late afternoon just before or after closing or possibly on a Friday as they are closed on Friday and Saturday which is also the weekend in many countries. Why? This will allow them to inform all parties involved of how they intend to handle the cash in of the dinar via media, radio, TV , newspaper etc. Giving instructions on how, when and maybe even where you can cash in. We feel This will be a CONTROLLED RV because it will be MASSIVE. It is very possible they will handle in country first, then possibly the Middle East countries next, then Europe and then the West meaning us and maybe not in that order. Remember the major majority of transaction from the RV will be coming out of the CBI and affiliates in Iraq and they only have so many people working, so it could take some time. They can't just announce the RV and try to handle the whole world all at once so to break it down would make it easier to deal with. The Warka and Middle East accounts will be some of the first to exchange for obvious reasons.

Many banks will be set to handle exchanges as the dinar WILL BE recognized as a world currency after the RV. There will be other cash-in options for some of us such as the legit dealers we bought from who have the money in reserve for the exchange or the means through the CBI and or affiliates to pay us. We also feel there will be brokers pop up who will cash you in for a percentage of your dinars but there will also be crooks and scammers so stick with what you know to be legit.

Allawi says that he will have the government formed in 2 - 3 days

* The next few days will witness the announcement of the Alliance of the Quartet
October 6th, 2010 06:40 pm · Posted in NEWS
Baghdad, October 6 (AKnews) – The Iraqi List, Wednesday, led by former Prime Minister Iyad Allawi, the next few days will witness the announcement of the Alliance of the Quartet is comprised of the Supreme Council headed by Ammar al-Hakim and the Virtue Party as well as the Accordance Front, led by Iyad al-Samarrai and a list of the unity of Iraq, led by The current Interior Minister Jawad al. A member of cluster renewal internalized in a coalition list Iraqi Shaker Book of the Kurdistan News Agency (AKnews) that “the possibility of launching of this four-party alliance is very large, indicating that the dialogue is serious and sophisticated as well as consensus views of all the winning lists to form a government of national partnership and its principle of equality between the winning lists “. He said the book “The relationship with the Iraqi Kurdish alliance blocks are very good, because the Kurds have declared they are with the party that meets their aspirations.”


I need to share the reality of what is happening to America and in America. This is reality in my opinion, and you should sit down when you read this. The Land of The Free and The Home of the Brave. Indeed. Why is it that most Americans do not even know what is happening around them, with their video games and their widescreens, and their I-pads. They do not know history. And they are deceived by their politicians. This is damn serious, and I want you to know who your leaders are in this administration. The Christian Soldiers Among you will not go down without a fight. And Our Country is worth saving. The shining city on the hill is in grave danger. I do not need to add anything to this. I showed you a couple of nights ago a video where a British Columnist said she would smother her baby with a pillow if it had defects rather than watch ' a couple of cells suffer through life '. Any loving mother would do the same she said. Well Ma’am, you are and were wrong. This is who she and Obama, and the great playwright, George Bernard Shaw, and Hillary Clinton and John McCain are. Democrat or Republican, these monsters, wolves in sheep’s clothing, are growing in numbers in Britain, in the US, in Venezuela, in Brazil, in Bolivia, and of course in China, and in Austria. Read this carefully and please get motivated, vote them out, and send them on their way, somewhere else. Christians beware.

Topic: Collectivism
A Fabian Socialist Dream Come True
The gradual revolution of the Fabian Socialists is quickly becoming a reality in Republicae

The Fabian Society began in England in 1887 by a very small group of elitist socialist that sought to reform society gradually into one of socialism instead of through violent revolution. At first their purpose was to be an alternative in Britain for the more dominate Marxist Social-Democratic Federation, but their true goal was to accomplish socialism through a very gradual process using the voting booth and representative democracy as their instrument of change. In fact, one of their symbols is a Turtle with the motto: "When I Strike, I Strike Hard". Another symbol is the Wolf in Sheep's Clothing and the Globe on an Anvil being hammered into the Fabian model.

The Fabian Plan for gradual Socialist Revolution was as definitive as it possibly could be, to say it has been a conspiracy is simplistic in the extreme. It instituted a widespread educational program for its leadership and its minions, as time progressed, it opened schools, such as the London School of Economics, and the New School of Social Research.

One stroke of genius was that instead of advocating a Socialist State, they assisted in the implementation of the Welfare State, which as we should all know is merely a few steps away from a purely Socialistic State. It was, of course, implemented gradually, and played upon the weaknesses of human nature to gain popularity. Unlike the usual Socialist points of views, the Fabians didn't advocate complete State ownership of businesses, industry, agriculture or land, instead they sought to involve the State into very specific areas of importance such as electric power production, transportation, precious metals and of course, credit. The remaining balance of economic systems would be left to the private sector however; it would be highly regulated by the State and operated according to the wishes of the State.

If you look at Britain, you will see that they accomplished their goals with ease and while American has been more difficult, the goals are the same and they have made enormous advances toward those goals, as we all know. Much of their accomplishments have been realized without using that dreaded word: Socialism. They have brought the Fabian Dream to America through an extremely brilliant system that has been openly accepted by the voters of this country without the hint of suspicion on their part that they were voting a Socialistic system into place.

Now, make no mistake about it, Fabian Socialists are Statist, they are absolutely authoritarian in their philosophy. Their long-term goal has always been a Socialistic Dictatorship with full-imposition of a very legalistic society where the individual is simply a part of the collective. An example of this can be found in the writings of one of the founders of the Fabian Society, George Bernard Shaw speaking of the Socialist Utopia, he said: "Under Socialism, you would not be allowed to be poor. You would be forcibly fed, clothed, lodged, taught, and employed whether you liked it or not. If it were discovered that you had not the character and industry enough to be worth all this trouble, you might possibly be executed in a kindly manner; but whilst you were permitted to live, you would have to live well."

Of course, all of this would be in the best interest of society as a whole and the whole made up simply of parts, individuals merely cogs in the machine of social justice. This idea of social justice is the biggest selling point and perhaps the easiest to peddle to the people. Programs of social reform, incremental at first, allowed for the tempering of the people; allowing for them to grow accustom to the intervention of the State in the affairs of the individual. Of course, such reforms are never an end unto themselves only stepping-stones to a greater Socialist construct of society.

Regarding the great strides made toward these goals, Max Beer stated with confidence: "There was no reason for Socialists to wait for revolution. The realization of socialism had begun the moment when the State became accessible to social reform ideas." Indeed, the revolution was already half realized at the moment when the State stepped over the threshold of progressive social construction and intervention into the private lives of the people.

The first step in any Socialist plan is the reform of capitalism, when the capitalist system is sufficiently neutralized the rest comes relatively easy. The first step to an efficient plan of capitalist neutralization is control over the money supply and for that a central bank is required along with a fiat monetary system, in this country that was initiated with the advent of the Federal Reserve. Later, of course must come effective controls over major infrastructure and services, all accomplished through the New Deal. The New Deal accomplished substantial feats toward the Fabian Socialist construct with numerous price controls, quotas, subsidies, inspections, regulations, licenses, fees, penalties and massive government interventions into what was formerly private enterprise. Although you would never hear politicians of either political party to admit to support the ideals of socialism, they nevertheless not only support such measures, but also promote them.

We have recently seen a greater push toward socialism, though few realize it. The government is assuming more and more responsibility for and authority over the economy, all under the guise of protecting the people from potentially unscrupulous free marketeers. We are being moved yet another step closer to the dream-society of the Fabians. Of course, these are simply steps, essential parts to a much broader agenda, one that is authoritarian in nature and execution, even the centrally planned economy is a mere step, not the end product. It is all carefully crafted, manufactured to ensure the most popular support possible for "people-friendly" solutions while instituting a fraudulent system of central control over the unsuspecting public. The system has been marketed to the public, one specific component at a time, each component essential to the completion of the whole and that is the brilliance of this gradual imposition of Fabian Socialism in this country.

The greatest bulwark against tyranny in America has always been the system of private ownership and free enterprise, it is the cornerstone of our system of government and without it our freedoms and liberty are in jeopardy. Central economic planning is, in a very basic sense, the keystone to Fabian Socialism, for in order for it to succeed, central State planning and control must replace the system of free enterprise. While it was not necessary for the State to actually own or directly control all the elements in the economy it is enough for the State to have the right to assert itself in any area that it deems necessary. The Fabians called it "the democratization of economic power", in other words socialized and centralized control over economic direction within the country.

In 1942, Stuart Chase, in his book "The Road We Are Traveling" spelled out the system of planning the Fabians had in mind; the interesting thing is to look at that plan in comparison to 2008 America.

1. Strong, centralized government.

2. Powerful Executive at the expense of Congress and the Judicial.

3. Government controlled banking, credit and securities exchange.

4. Government control over employment.

5. Unemployment insurance, old age pensions.

6. Universal medical care, food and housing programs.

7. Access to unlimited government borrowing.

8. A managed monetary system.

9. Government control over foreign trade.

10. Government control over natural energy sources, transportation and agricultural production.

11. Government regulation of labor.

12. Youth camps devoted to health discipline, community service and ideological teaching consistent with those of the authorities.

13. Heavy progressive taxation.

It should be evident that while Socialist no longer use the name that the plan is Socialism at its heart. The Fabian Socialist Revolution began in earnest in this country in 1933 with the imposition of the Welfare State and has been steadily progressing since. Those who are promoting this system, whether in the Republican Party or Democratic Party, are nothing less than Traitors, guilty of a type of high treason that deserves the most punitive penalty for such treachery. Listen carefully to the propositions of both McCain and Obama; I suspect that you will quickly find both of their positions are not only similar, but propose in essence and detail the Fabian Socialist construct. The system that these marauders are imposing upon us will ultimately alter our system of government beyond recognition.

It is all accomplished with the utmost respectability of course, they would not dream of such an imposition without popular support and they will make sure that they have popular support.

In 1933, they proposed that private enterprise had failed leaving the jobless to starve, hope to fade and that the State must step in to save the country and protect the people from the dangers associated with the inherent problems of free enterprise. Today, the call is very similar, the State must step in to protect the people. The Corporate State is, in the minds of Fabians, the ultimate protector of the common man, the provider of security on all fronts, but it requires our complete compliance and the relinquishment of our liberty in exchange. The State is to ultimately be the only one allowed wealth, the problem is that wealth is the people's wealth confiscated in exchange for their hard labor. It is, in essence, a plan for a modern feudal society of peonage and the people are the peons.

Proofs of a Conspiracy? Look around...

In Liberty and Eternal Vigilance,

This should make Patriots and Veterans very ill. It is coming to pass and like you I am learning each and every day. But only YOU can have an active part in the prevention of this, and God is on our side. You need to read and study, do not take my word for it. Decide for yourselves and remember to Vote, while you still have the privilege of making free decisions, but the time is growing short. Ask God what he wants you to do. Wake America Up.

Did you ever stop to wonder what the hell is this President doing and why does he always side with the rest of the world and not us. why does he care more about other countries and their wealth and economies than he does ours? The answer is my worst nightmare. The answer is yes, he does. Why? Because by confiscation of the wealth in this country, he makes us all more dependent, and easier to defeat. So we are going to be worth a lot more money. Your vote in November may have something to do with you keeping that wealth. It's yours..........isn't it???? Or is it???


she said last night to not focus on any of the news coming out of Iraq because it is a smoke screen, almost all of it, and so to avoid all the paranoia and anxiety for a couple of days why don't we give that a chance to work and not be distracted

Everything is being done according to the plan; some minor procedural issues being handled right now. Probably best to skip over the how, where, when, and who and focus more on the "what and why". We are right there. This is a huge event involving lots of people. Banks have to be ready. It is not simple. Adam wasn't put on high alert for nothing.
It is my complete understanding that everything is being accomplished regarding this. If you can, find peace in that.


this is not mine, it was posted on j4d; Emailed to me just now! Everyone: We have reached a critical point in the RV as it appears Maliki has secured all the votes needed in the formation of the Government without Al Sadr. We should see the RV announced to the world tomorrow or no later than Sunday,
(rumor I suppose)

Ask the people about their background and training, years of experience, what their specialties might be, those sorts of questions. Also find out if they have experience in any of the areas you are interested in.
Explain to them that you are about to receive a windfall.
That is very important
Take with you your previous two years of returns so they can see where you are coming from as your tax status will change.
Seeing your history is important.
If you have NOT filed in a while, plan on doing so.
IF you see a CPA or an Enrolled Agent, they can possibly negotiate a settlement for you if necessary regarding penalties and interest.
It is not true that the IRS will continue hounding you for years forward. They will not as long as you keep things above board.
There is no law broken in reducing your tax obligations. There is law broken if you do not file or pay or do things to try and avoid taxation that is not legal and get caught
Now that you will have the money to get square with the IRS, I suggest you make it a priority.
Once they see that you have this windfall, and they will, it will trigger in their system as someone who has not filed or owes and has not paid. You would then risk your assets to be frozen.


FROM DINAR TRADE: The problem with ledger to ledger (as it turns out) is just the wording we have been using. The proper term is “interbank transfer” or “internal transfer.” Alex said that somehow the wording had come to be known as “ledger to ledger.” We need to forget that term.
Alex said the internal transfer held NO LIMITS on the amount transferred. The banks they are now working with to do internal transfers are: BOA, Wachovia, Wells Fargo and Citibank. She said they had dropped Chase because their fees were too high.

[4:10:31 PM] T Brown: GET chatroom:
3:43 PM [Hereiam] Update: Follow the Money!
1. NYTimes: IMF stepping in to stop the currency wars...Force is placed on China
2. benrica post: Export Import Bank of USA to make credit arrangements with Iraq
3. C H S post: Zubaidi ( Minister of Finance ) meets with IMF and World Bank
4.C H S post: Trade Bank of Iraq to finance Iraq and the USA! It sounds like Shabibi is very active !
5.Lexie Post: Major IMF meeting with all the 187 members in Wash DC on Friday
6. airam post: Obama admin declares Iraq open for business: That can only mean ONE thing IMO...the bull is ready to be let out of the pen....RV anytime.. How can US trade with a country that has an unstable currency?

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