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Wednesday, 10/06/2010 5:49:10 PM

Wednesday, October 06, 2010 5:49:10 PM

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This blog is unique as it lists the latest Real -Time news as it is received. Many of the articles are submitted by the readers and are not verified or confirmed at posting. These are unconfirmed rumors and gossip. THIS BLOG SUPPORTS FREEDOM OF SPEECH. BOTH SIDES OF THE STORIES ARE BEING PRESENTED FOR YOUR REVIEW. Changes and modifications will occur as it happens. It is a Fast Moving News source . 2630 Posts --CHAT - skype 'john.machaffie'
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Federal Resrve - The You-Know-What is ready to hit the Fan.
Submitted by JB - Thanks

We have been warning people for years now of what is about to happen. Translation: The You-Know-What is ready to hit the Fan.

Yesterday, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke delivered a speech before the the Annual Meeting of the Rhode Island Public Expenditure Council in Providence, Rhode Island. In the speech, he warned about the current state of the government finances. His conclusion, the situation is dire and "unsustainable".
It is remarkable that mainstream media has given this speech no coverage. I repeat, the central banker of the United States says in his own words:
Let me return to the issue of longer-term fiscal sustainability. As I have discussed, projections by the CBO and others show future budget deficits and debts rising indefinitely, and at increasing rates. To be sure, projections are to some degree only hypothetical exercises. Almost by definition, unsustainable trajectories of deficits and debts will never actually transpire, because creditors would never be willing to lend to a country in which the fiscal debt relative to the national income is rising without limit. Herbert Stein, a wise economist, once said, "If something cannot go on forever, it will stop."
One way or the other, fiscal adjustments sufficient to stabilize the federal budget will certainly occur at some point. The only real question is whether these adjustments will take place through a careful and deliberative process that weighs priorities and gives people plenty of time to adjust to changes in government programs or tax policies, or whether the needed fiscal adjustments will be a rapid and painful response to a looming or actual fiscal crisis.
This is as close as you are ever going to see a central banker admit that his country's financial situation is so dire that it could breakup at any time.
Here's more from Bernanke's remarkable speech:
The recent deep recession and the subsequent slow recovery have created severe budgetary pressures not only for many households and businesses, but for governments as well. Indeed, in the United States, governments at all levels are grappling not only with the near-term effects of economic weakness, but also with the longer-run pressures that will be generated by the need to provide health care and retirement security to an aging population.
There is no way around it--meeting these challenges will require policymakers and the public to make some very difficult decisions and to accept some sacrifices. But history makes clear that countries that continually spend beyond their means suffer slower growth in incomes and living standards and are prone to greater economic and financial instability.
Now, get this, he warns that it is not only the Federal government that has financial problems, but also states and local governments:
Although state and local governments face significant fiscal challenges, my primary focus today will be the federal budget situation and its economic implications.
Does Bernanke see the tsunami hitting or what?
Then, he put things in historical perspective:
The budgetary position of the federal government has deteriorated substantially during the past two fiscal years, with the budget deficit averaging 9-1/2 percent of national income during that time. For comparison, the deficit averaged 2 percent of national income for the fiscal years 2005 to 2007, prior to the onset of the recession and financial crisis. The recent deterioration was largely the result of a sharp decline in tax revenues brought about by the recession and the subsequent slow recovery, as well as by increases in federal spending needed to alleviate the recession and stabilize the financial system. As a result of these deficits, the accumulated federal debt measured relative to national income has increased to a level not seen since the aftermath of World War II.
Read more:
Posted by John MacHaffie at 11:13 AM 0 comments

Sheldan Nidel Update 10/5/10
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
13 Ben, 11 Tzotz, 7 Ik Tuesday, October 5th, 2010
Greetings! We come again with more to explain. Right now, critical talks and the strategic distribution of the new monies are taking place. The dark ones have delayed your abundance and freedom long enough! Our Earth allies are implementing worldwide the agreements so grudgingly obtained from the dark cabal. Because this involves many detailed steps to ensure that these revelations are brought in a timely manner into the public arena, we too are engaged in assisting them with this process. Your world is a veritable morass of twisted financial setups which need to be shut down and replaced by new systems, and this is all being accomplished without completely stopping the flow of money between nations. Indeed, the new procedures are coming on line even as we speak, and many in the know are amazed at how fast the new system is phasing out the old, which has been in effect since the end of World War II. The new system is much more complex and involves a number of new gold-backed currencies.
The new financial network is decentralized and regionally based, with each region being dominated by a specific currency. Bare in mind that this monetary reboot is a stopgap: as the abundance spreads, the need for such forms of wealth will decrease. The goal is for the new currency system to sustain strong global economic growth for about a year, until the ever-spreading abundance takes hold. Coupled to this are the many advanced technologies that will be introduced by the transitional governments and by us. These two factors will create a bridge to a world where money per se has little part to play. It is an axiom of any spirit-based society that food, clothing, and shelter are available to all as an absolute right, and so your present standardized mechanism of trade will quickly morph into a free exchange of goods and services. Beyond that comes a 'marketplace' based on the concept of proprietary ideas and inventions, where ideas and services are exchanged with the goal of solving problems, locally and globally.
This is a precursor to what we call fluid group dynamics. In this organizational model, those most proficient in a certain area become centers of creative brainstorming. These develop into organic systems, made up of sovereign individuals, which are able to come up quickly with fluid solutions. We use this procedure to work out how to complete any aspect of a project or mission. Take, for instance, this particular first contact: as you know, this mission has required constant reroutings and detours from the norm. One of these is the thorough and detailed monitoring of each one of you. This gives us the requisite database which, coupled with our fluid methodology, enables us to come up with effective ways to surmount the myriad speed bumps of this mission. The principle scenario we have been describing to you is a loose and very flexible adaptation of normal first contact protocol, which is adjusted, almost on a daily basis, to the volatile circumstances of your transitioning society.
Galactic society is well grounded in fluid group dynamics. In your case, the specific needs of your many societies will predicate how this procedural model is to be adopted. Each of you brings your unique preferences to the equation to magically form a new unity. Our role here is to take you to the point where your new fully conscious selves can come together to forge your own star-nation. Long ago, you came from the stars to colonize this new realm. You soon forgot your origins, and today you have no inkling of your true identities. This quandary will be resolved once you complete your return to full consciousness. Until then, you may catch glimpses or get intimations of this otherworld or way of being whilst dreaming or in meditation. Of course, once you wake up these traces quickly fade. Your rising consciousness, however, helps to imbue these glimpses with a certain validity, making them more real to you, at least until your doubts come flooding back in again.
This particular step of the mission begs the question that is uppermost in everyone's mind: why are the governmental transitions taking such a ludicrously long time? The dark cabal is counting on your frustration to encourage their supporters to persist in refusing to allow such change. These politicians, whom the dark cabal selected to hold office in your governmental power structures, are extremely worried about what the Earth allies have in store for them. This concern keeps them in line. Our negotiations with the cabal have made them aware of the impending deadline and this scares them. As a result, these governments are plotting a lineup of 'events' designed to prevent any easy transfer of power and to frighten the public into submission. But let us be quite clear: what has been agreed upon will happen, regardless of what these governmental scalawags are setting in motion! Much is afoot that will ensure our many goals.
In our fleet are many expert advisors from the Anunnaki and from our Agarthan cousins. They have watched closely and have kept our Earth allies and Heaven fully advised about planet-surface developments. They strongly recommend that if certain results are not attained by a specific time, then predetermined consequences should be applied to the cabal and their governmental allies. We have informed the cabalists of these consequences during the recent negotiations. Freezing their assets is only the beginning of a whole range of measures we can bring to bear against them. In fact, most of these measures are now being implemented and we expect full compliance. We fully anticipate their surrender, and without dithering around with prior conditions! Be assured that moves are underway to create the circumstances that will result in an emphatic victory for the Light!
Our plan-of-first-choice is to carry out a first contact with a series of new transitional governments in place. The illegal aspects of the cabal's governance are glaring and ubiquitous. These governments threaten the sustainability of Mother Earth's ecosystems, and a great dying-off, similar to that of the late Permian era, is on your horizon. Furthermore, your societies have maxed out the resources that keep them afloat. The coming events are intolerable to us. We have watched you under the ruling thumb of the dark decimate Mother Earth, ruining her waters, ground, and sky. The ever-rising levels of pollution are pressuring her into some type of response that can hopefully demonstrate to these shameless ones that further unabated despoliation is unacceptable. This Earth-response will need to affect the dark cabal in some deadly way.
The process of change from one reality to another is being carried out as gently as possible. One of the notions the dark ones cling to is that they are somehow special and privileged, but this is not the case! Each of them can die or meet with sorrow. They have extended their world of power and wealth well past the agreed timeframe, and this is to change. The majority of you have suffered too long from their illegal actions and the time has come to end this sorry episode in your history. We have been patient and have obeyed the wishes of Heaven, and now we are ready to deploy our technology to implement in style the denouement of this much-protracted drama. It is time to watch first contact finally unfurl before us all!
Today, we continued our discussion with you. Each of our messages is a 'broadcast' of sorts, addressing what is happening around you. The enormous amount of work and preparation on the part of so many is about to gel! Let us come together to celebrate with joy the beginning of a new reality for each one of you. Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
Planetary Activation Organization | Mailing Address: P. O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, California 95762 USA
Voicemail: 808-573-3110 | E-mail: | Website address:
Posted by John MacHaffie at 9:59 AM 0 comments
Obama's Presidential Seal Falls to the Floor During Speech
Rumormill News

Obama's Presidential Seal Falls to the Floor During Speech
Posted By: Guarded_Optimist
Date: Wednesday, 6-Oct-2010 11:03:51
Tuesday night, Obama's presidential seal fell off his podium during a speech during a Fortune magazine summit in Washington.
Drudge picked up on this, but notice how he phrases it: "Obama Loses His Seal."

Maybe it was just another of those coincidences. Maybe it was the intelligent universe speaking. Maybe it was a ghost or some other spook. It could be anything or nothing, but as usual, the timing is funny as, among other things, the Obama eligibility matter is reportedly returning to the Supreme Court, supposedly with more teeth this time.
New court filing returns the 'putative' President Obama eligibility issue to the Supreme Court
Drudge linked to this AP story, so just the link:
Below is the video to which Drudge linked:

Posted by John MacHaffie at 9:55 AM 0 comments
Video - The Day Before Disclosure! --- Must See!
Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:56 AM 0 comments
Cabal running Washington DC private corporation plans
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
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Washington DC Before
A photograph
Washington DC After
A photograph

Cabal running Washington DC private corporation plans to sacrifice Obama and shoe-in fluffy puppet Hillary Clinton as US President. Civil War in America now likely. US Federal Reserve Board cannot remain viable beyond January 2011.
In the background is a sharp international problem: What does the planet do with the million-plus US Satanists who have been running America illegally? Nobody wants these vermin and only a few thousand are likely to be butchered in their own internal end-time squabbles. Some sort of home will have to be found for the fleeing US politicians, lawyers, banksters, religionists, spooks and clone-handlers. It would be wiser to offer them a managed island refuge somewhere than to force them to die in a damaging final firefight. They can only reasonably be held in their own Halliburton-constructed FEMA concentration camps and Gunderson Steel AutoMax prison cars for a few months. More about the élite Alpha Lodge Skull & Bones Satanism which controls Washington DC here. And more about the hidden antecedents of the "individual" called Hillary Clinton here.
Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:06 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 4, 2010
Terror Strike Closes America’s Most Important Petrol Port
October 4, 2010
Terror Strike Closes America’s Most Important Petrol Port
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

Russian foreign military intelligence (GRU) reports are stating today that the United States has suffered a “major blow” after a terrorist attack closed one of its most vital ports called the “lynchpin” of America’s petrochemical industry and located in the State of Texas.
According to these reports, early yesterday morning, at approximately 5 AM Central Daylight Time (US), a “small cell” of al Qaeda linked terrorists seized a towing vessel named Safety Quest in the Houston Ship Channel that was pushing 3 barges of scrap metal. After killing an estimated 6 crew members, these reports say, the al Qaeda terrorists then “targeted” a high-voltage electric transmission line tower [photo 3rd left] spanning this waterway causing a catastrophic structural failure thus closing this important waterway.
A news report by local Houston television station KVUE further details the horrendous economic damage to the United States because of this attack, and as we can read:
“The 25-mile waterway is lined by the nation’s biggest complex of petrochemical plants. The Port of Houston ranks first in the nation in foreign waterborne tonnage and imports and second in U.S. export tonnage and total tonnage. Coast Guard officials said the ship channel handles more than $320 million in cargo and crude daily, meaning the Port of Houston could lose nearly $1 billion if the waterway is closed for three days.”
These GRU reports go on to state that “nearly simultaneously” with this al Qaeda attack upon The Port of Houston the seized vessel Safety Quest was attacked by US Coast Guard and American Marine forces killing all of the terrorist involved, leaving Russian intelligence experts to question why, since the forces were there to stop this attack, they didn’t.
Within hours of this attack the United States issued a rare “terror warning” stating that al Qaeda terror cells linked to Osama bin Laden were planning more attacks. Curiously though, and as we had detailed in yesterday’s report, the US warning was not for its own country, but for Europe.
Even more curious about this terror attack is Houston television news channel KRIV reporter Kristine Galvan reporting that the power lines spanning the Houston Ship Channel had “recently been deactivated for maintenance”, a convenient circumstance that averted a much larger catastrophe.
Going from the mere curious about this event to the sinister, however, is the news that an American petrochemical giant named Oneok Partners LP, just days before this attack (October 1st) placed a “high volume” of put-options on their own stock betting that its price would go down within 30-days, and which it now most assuredly will do with the closure of the Houston Ship Channel generating for them tens-of-millions in profit due to this disaster.
It must be noted that the use of put-options against American corporations, as they relate to terrorist events, is a long-standing curiosity yet to be explained by anyone in authority, the most notable being the attacks of 9/11 where these financial devices were generated against United and American Airlines, the planes used on 9/11, making for their as yet unnamed benefactors untold wealth after this most tragic of event.
Important to note too is Europe’s reaction to the US terror warning they issued yesterday that can best be summed up as reported by Australia’s Sydney Morning Herald News Service who reports Germany’s official government statement about it:
“There is no reason to change Germany's security threat level in response to a US travel alert warning of potential terrorist attacks in Europe, the interior ministry says. Germany has “still no concrete indications of imminent attacks” and authorities “are constantly reviewing the need to update security measures”, the ministry said in a statement on Sunday. “The government does not currently see any reason to modify its evaluation of concrete risks,” added the text.”
To the American peoples being allowed to know the truth of these events, or the more horrible ones to come, it doesn’t it appear likely as new reports coming from that country now chilling state that the US Army's 4th Psychological Operations group, as part of their Training With Industry program, has begun placing PSYOP troops at many of their local television news stations, and who’s motto is “Persuade-Change-Influence”.
To what exactly the US government is preparing to “persuade”, “change” and “influence” their citizens about it is not in our knowing, other than, of course, to state the obvious; that when any military, of any country, begins to pervade into the lives of its citizens, the outcome can only be tragic.
© October 4, 2010 EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.
[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]
Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:29 PM 3 comments
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Poofness - 10/3 - As the Final Sand Drops thru the Hourglass
Rumormill News

Subject: As the Final Sand Drops thru the Hourglass
Date: Sun, 3 Oct 2010 18:14:26 -0400
The Platters: Smoke Gets In Your Eyes Lyrics
Songwriters: Kern, Jerome; Harbach, Otto;
They asked me how I knew
My true love was true
I of course replied
Something here inside
Can not be denied
They, said some day you'll find
All who love are blind
When you heart's on fire
You must realize
Smoke gets in your eyes
So I chaffed them, and I gaily laughed
To think they would doubt our love
And yet today, my love has gone away
I am without my love
Now laughing friends deride
Tears I cannot hide
So I smile and say
When a lovely flame dies
Smoke gets in your eyes
Smoke gets in your eyes
Greetings and Salutations;
From the onset of this newsletter I must say, I was told from 'way up there' that, no matter what anyone was saying, bankers, trustees, brokers, even principals, in the overall getting this done, no packs had gone out yet. Stop looking for them because the switch hadn't been flipped yet...right around the corner, true, but not what has gone out on the web. Again, I must thank the folks who clear things up, when the news is coming hard, it's this day or that. Yes, they read the web messages, too. You only need to hit a couple of sites and you got it..
I can report this; the moment is set and no one can stop it. These stories make for good conspiracy tales, but they in no way match the big picture or what they have handled. This is focussed on the planetary infrastructure. Politics have meaning only to politicians and people who think that's important. From the beginning I kept pointing everybody to the folks that live upstairs. 'They' being the ones who silently watch in the background. Now this has become apparent to even the most powerful bankers...powerful is a relative relationship to who and what? When the rothschilds began series of moves a few years ago, some really smart people should have been asking the question, what the hell are they up to? Behind all of these illusions of truth is the facts, all of these rich and powerful are beholden to the east.
They have managed this changeover from the beginning, starting before the first word went out about 'programs you could get into'. From the beginning of the fiat system the sand began dropping down thru the hour glass. You have to get ready for the time it collapses on itself. It's nothing but air..reputation, tangible value is another issue. How many times has it been said, they who have the gold rule? Yet folks have been told, you don't need that for 'value', our power over the banking system will assure us of continuing on the top. When do the people find out, the fed's bankrupt and already owned by somebody else? At least since the bush administration....remember ms wu and the bunch? How about the secret part used to control this country, us corporation, which kept us wired to the british monarchy? Default the 15th of who...damn it's the east again! What, they will loan you money again??? and keep you was not in their interest to keep the crap kicking. All was very calmly filed in the hague and most likely in the congressional records, by now. Did the queen get her copy, probably, look at this;
There's going to be some news that hits the public very shortly, that will require everybody to review what they think is true. It's one of the reasons why it will take a few months to divulge everything. One announcement won't do it. I will say obama started getting his 'dailies' before he ever stepped in the wh and they weren't coming from the 'normal' power brokers. Remember, the old is trashed, we're not going back to the 20th century...there's no 'there' there.
Breaking News...Poof didn't talk to anyone today saying deliveries were over this weekend. The info above is correct. I told you there's somebody else telling people they are me and they lie. Caught cha....
This has always been about more than 'how much and when' and some things will remain secret, they know the suffering out here, and ending it would only be comprehensive if you handle All the details of a global shift.
Receive your notice and do what it tells you. The biggest problem anyone will have is dealing with fear and that is being hammered big time. Fear of everything, divide and conquer, black against white, islam against god fearing christians, abandon all hope...the insanity continues....Don't you know you're being 'worked'. The game is to keep you confused...if it were up to me, all fundamentalists would have to live on an island with each other and leave the rest of us alone. I don't Need others to believe what I do. It isn't about me. The relationship with the Creator is personal, and you have no jurisdiction. You can't 'save me'. Your account is already safe, it's behind a 5 star trust. Access and go sit down somewhere, wait for the dust to settle, watch what happens in comfort. Take your time and breathe!
Continue to email this addy for consultations and please be patient. This is an excellent video of where I am in the middle of this insanity.
Love and Kisses;
Posted by John MacHaffie at 5:06 PM 5 comments

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