Side stepping issues? Interesting. I thought I was pretty clear, but I'll try again.
Owen/Petro received Nearly all, if not all of ASWD shares in the reverse merger. Those shares were sold/are being sold for some indeterminate amount of money. THAT money belongs to Petro shareholders, the ones that bought these "church shares" with which the proceeds of the sale of the "church shares" were used to purchase ASWD, and should have been disbursed to the people that purchased church shares. So again, whatever money was made from the sale (large or small) belongs to the shareholders.
I'll give you a point for the mis-direction though. You focus on the amount, I focus on the process.
However, speaking of sidestepping, I asked if you got your share of the proceeds from the sale of the ASWD shares that were sent to Owen/PAC from the reverse merger. You've still yet to answer.
Here's your chance to clear up this small item. Have you received any money from Owen or PAC through the sale of ASWD shares given to Owen/PAC from the reverse merger process?