re: FSTW
re: got into some FSTW..its trading very very actively
Oh, I get it. You got sucked into the daytrader shenanigans 1/28/2005, the day the stock ranged from $1.57 to $2.50 on 558,000 shares.
Typically, the stock trades around 10,000 shares. Yesterday, it traded 9,200 shares and closed at $1.58.
So, you mentioned what a terrific opportunity FSTW now because want somebody to buy you out of your position, right?
You're lucky you didn't get sucked into the daytrader shenanigans back in November. The stock had better than a $3 swing that day.
If you think the "Wemley" stadium is a profitable project, you didn't do very much DD.
FSTW: Avoid ... IMO.