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Post# of 72136
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Alias Born 07/16/2010

Re: None

Tuesday, 09/21/2010 10:48:23 PM

Tuesday, September 21, 2010 10:48:23 PM

Post# of 72136
I was over on yahoo and ran into a post from a guy thinking MDGC had lost its momentum. I explained that this was not the case at all. Most people don't understand that it is not healthy for a stock to run straight up. Without consolidation, as we see typically every 2-3 days here, the stock would simply tank with a few large sell orders. These consolidations can help form points of support. MediaG3 has started an incredible climb on a PR and the unveiling of the new website. Just wait until detailed product pictures, specifications, tower locations and meaty marketing releases hit the wires.

I guess that is the difference between longs and flippers.