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Alias Born 02/08/2008

Re: Mick1 post# 4078

Tuesday, 09/14/2010 4:51:11 PM

Tuesday, September 14, 2010 4:51:11 PM

Post# of 4101

all legit

50 mil authorized

current and unchanged 27.6 mil

recent acquisition of 20 mil by German company

German company part of India company

India company in joint venture with Worldwide Japan based company




and sorry for the delay - this website has serious performance issues being they are UK based and I am in USA

and if anyone is unsure - read SEC filings link on the IHUB IVD company profile and also its very easy to google these companys or just use my links and save yourself a couple hrs of web surfing

I also put some new links/info on the yahoo board today regarding recent report/valuation of the stock

they are so ripe I cant wait to see the PPS by years end!
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