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Alias Born 08/12/2010

Re: gmjones99 post# 3590

Wednesday, 09/01/2010 12:46:22 PM

Wednesday, September 01, 2010 12:46:22 PM

Post# of 44639
Gotcha Buddy... PR today Hooray!!!

Down it goes.... The more Ronni PR's the lower the shareprice goes!!!!

The poor pre reverse split shareholders... dollars becoming pennys and Ronni doesn't give a you know what!!

His hand is out and wanting more of your money...

I can guarantee you he has the MM's ready to sell off shares on any sign of an uptick!! You can bet on it!!!

He has a billion authorized ready to go!!

How many rev's were projected from that PR??????? ZILCH !!!!

Its OVER!!!! Ready for the Referee to start counting to 10....


Nice Job Ronni