Hey, it's about $4.65K more revenue over that outstanding 1st quarter in 2010.
Seriously, the MO hasn't changed in the past couple years as far as updates, predictions etc..... 2-3 years ago there were several things expected in the immediate pipeline updated to shareholders, including the ever apparent LOC, which by the way is being suggested as a done deal once again. Great if it is, but due to past EI communications, I prefer to see the deal finalized in concrete terms. Ironic or just coincidence, the latest "LOC" is updated during Buzzbahn's pump and dump? Why mention it when it's, by their own stating, 20-30 days down the road.
Who knows, maybe a larger share retirement (than the stated 5 million) will be in the works in the near future? Or another license or two that will make ETNL a 10M a year company?
BTW, more discounted shares @ .0027 & .003