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Alias Born 09/05/2002

Re: Zeev Hed post# 2400

Saturday, 10/12/2002 11:58:44 PM

Saturday, October 12, 2002 11:58:44 PM

Post# of 5827
Zeev: I’ve followed the laser vision-correction industry for a number of years. The laser vendors have overlapping patents and are perpetually bringing or responding to lawsuits. In practice, the technical requirement that a patent be vigorously enforced against all infringers rarely comes into play in determining who is suing whom.

I reiterate that I consider it extremely unlikely that TMTA will have any material liability to Intergraph because so many of the concepts underlying parallel-instruction computing are in the public domain.

For the same reason, I think there is a high chance that INTC will prevail against Intergraph on appeal. Lower-court patent rulings have a tendency to focus unduly on the question of infringement and inadequately on the question of whether the patent claims are valid and enforceable. FWIW. Dew

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