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Alias Born 03/05/2009

Re: None

Wednesday, 08/18/2010 5:23:46 PM

Wednesday, August 18, 2010 5:23:46 PM

Post# of 35
American investors not familiar with the Deutsche Telekom name are certainly more familiar with one of its subsidiaries, T-Mobile. All Deutsche Telekom company names being with a "T".

The parent company owns, in addition to T-Mobile, T-Home, T-Online and T-Systems.

Deutsche Telekom also holds substantial shares in other telecom companies, including Central European subsidiaries Slovak Telekom (Slovakia), Magyar Telekom (Hungary), and T-Hrvatski Telekom (Croatia), which are now fully consolidated into T-Com/T-Home. Furthermore, Magyar Telekom holds majority shares in Combridge (Romania), Makedonski Telekom (Macedonia), and T-Crnogorski Telekom (Montenegro) all of which have also been rebranded and included under the T-Com/T-Home umbrella.

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