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Alias Born 09/05/2002

Re: None

Saturday, 10/12/2002 2:15:05 AM

Saturday, October 12, 2002 2:15:05 AM

Post# of 5827
Going nuts for doughnuts:

The Hartford Courant reports that this week, a man camped out for two nights outside a Connecticut Krispy Kreme shop in order to be the first in line for the store's grand opening.

OK, maybe it wasn't so dumb. For being first in line, the man won free doughnuts for a year.

But that doesn't explain the other people in line, like the guy who camped out in front of the store ... in order to buy one doughnut.

Ever wonder what happened to all those people who used to camp out in front of Grateful Dead concerts? Now you know.


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