I have wondered why you gave this board up gfp, and i would be happy to ask i-hub to turn it back over to you should you want it.
My father was one of the first, "liberators" on to arrive at Buchenwald concentration camp in Germany. He described seeing little dots in the snow in the horizon as they approached, the dots would move forward, then kind of stagger around, and then stop in the snow.
What he didn't know was that the German gaurds had deserted the camp, and those were inmates dying where they fell.
He carried shapshots of what they found there with him throughout the war, and sat me down as a boy and showed them to me so I would understand what unchecked power could do to a people.
In those pictures there are bodies stacked liked firewood, bodies in ovens, you name it. In 2008, I finally passed down reproductions to future generations of our extended family so they too could see first hand, not by some right wing, or left wing, nut job trying to rewrite history, but pictures passed down by family blood.
Disparaging one of our former presidents to compare to Hitler will get deleted here, as long as I am moderator, and as long as there is breath in my body.