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Re: Zouf post# 19

Friday, 07/16/2010 11:10:39 AM

Friday, July 16, 2010 11:10:39 AM

Post# of 31
Hi Zouf, you can appoint anyone to be your assistance, with their approval, of course. an IHub board can also change moderators at the will of the present moderator ( you).

I'm invested in another small exporation & production oil company that has rights in the deep waters of West Africa. It has a board on IHUB. 'bout 100-200 posts per day, 1/3 of that from investors who worked or work in the oil patch.

Perhaps, one day, your board here will mirrow that. I would not be surprised to see some profit taking from the three days of the pps rising. Perhap not, because most investors know it will only be a short period of time that we will all find out if Petro found the deeper reservoir.

Good luck to all.

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