I couldn't agree with you more skitsovel. The key here is to share all opinion and data that leads to a more manageable conclusion. It is all of our money here at stake. Now, while the intention and objective of Biomoda is commendable and noble, I think all of us here want to make money and see this stock ten fold. However, there have been many contradictory statements from Biomoda's CEO that would make investors rather nervous. I get the feeling that something is not being told. The most logical thing would have been for all of those patients to be tested and almost simultaneously process the data and archive it until all required samples would be in, so that way when the last patient provides the final sample most of the work is already in place. This "2" month statement kind of throws all of us out. I am putting a letter to their IR department and see what is the story, otherwise they may be facing a lawsuit for misleading investors. The SEC doesn't care whether the company is noble or not, but how it answers to its investors.