<<that was worth 5 bucks>>
I'd have paid $5 if it had not been here.
Perhaps, instead of (or as a part of) jail, the fighting members should be banned to their own private fight thread; such as the "Chur v. Scu Fight Thread." If no one else was able to read or post to these sites, (that is, they were truly private except for admin), I bet the (meaningless out-of-control) fights would end much sooner. If not, they could fight it out as long as they wanted without requiring the rest of us to read about it.
Of course, that would also mean that Joe would likely have more threads than anyone else. <g> There is a price for everything.
Those who shoot from the hip usually end up just shooting themselves.
Plan the grub and grub the plan.
Where is the party tonight? Who is bringng the drinks?