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Re: None

Monday, 06/14/2010 6:36:22 PM

Monday, June 14, 2010 6:36:22 PM

Post# of 179219
Repost of a prior message, right on task here. Getting closer to the end of days.

Posted by: kolchakil0 Date: Monday, June 07, 2010 8:10:00 PM
In reply to: None Post # of 133994

Looks like the mm's will go for broke this month. Early on we are at 59% shorting already.


Also, we have learned a valuable lesson about the price charts, they don't have a middle bollinger band like the candlestick chart has which will show if a stock is actually trending as the stock price moves above. The price charts in my opinion gave a false signal to some, while the candlestick chart stood it's ground.