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Alias Born 07/16/2006

Re: js15471 post# 3369

Thursday, 06/10/2010 11:46:05 PM

Thursday, June 10, 2010 11:46:05 PM

Post# of 5460
EXPH's stock is not worth .0008...and the more they dilute the less its worth..Its just a flip stock..Hey I ate my words in 2007 when others were saying it about EI...I had up to 53mil shares and 30mil+ at the time of the R/S....I should have sold it all...I have admitted that...its a lesson all newbies need to learn...When you realize this you have 2 it honest, or screw others...

Well, you can guess which I chose....

pinks/pennies are just not worth the hold for long with billions of shares.....expecially proven P&D stocks....
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