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Re: Andrew26 post# 127984

Saturday, 05/29/2010 2:15:50 PM

Saturday, May 29, 2010 2:15:50 PM

Post# of 179217
I agree. Read these posts again. This was all called over a month ago.

We all saw it coming which is why no one was selling. The MM are not getting the shares they want. They are trapped and will take it higher soon. Be prepared for more buying if they continue to walk it down.

Our team is growing daily.

Posted by: BlueBucks Date: Thursday, May 20, 2010 12:27:32 PM
In reply to: None Post # of 128032

The Battlefield.. Support Lines

I’m not posting much on Spyhub anymore but this needs to said for your encouragement.. I have now fielded 400 private messages from practically everyone invested here. Most are concerned, nervous, frustrated, anxious, frantic & angry. Very few are calm. I can understand a few newbeez that have never been involved in a war of attrition but many have not embraced the reality of struggle.
CDIV is a battleground that lives in Pinkland. Those of you that have actually understood my writings realize the chart is abused to produce tools and studies to effect emotion. Stressed emotions cause you to doubt your own good judgement. Fear is the emotion of choice in this war and I am sorry to report that many are still unprepared.
So for the sake of newcomers & the emotionally stressed let’s go through it one more time... My best to all..***
From Monk’s call to March 7 technical’s were relatively accurate. On March 8, in an attempt to discredit Monk & confuse CDIV shareholders, the market makers flag the stock at .481 and begin a process that removes technical accuracy. By doing so they change the dynamics of the chart into an illusion with the hopes many will continue to believe what they see. From there it develops into phoney trading range between .37 & .44... not exact... it lasts for 3 weeks, collects 100 million in volume with 70% ++ buys.. The next 3 days produces a spike and about 5 million volume with 80% buys.... Since then it garnishes 12 million more at nearly 2/1 ratio and steadily declines back to the phoney support range mentioned above. The total is roughly 117 million in volume with nearly all buys. This volume represents you, the many new shareholders who are now in the red and the subject of this letter.
Approximately 14 weeks of this grueling SideShake has transpired. It has been modified, adapted & customized by the MM’s to produce shares but little have been found. To them this entire episode would be considered fruitless if it were not for one distinct factor. They have created an emotional support line in that range. It is visible, but does not represent the truth.
To me the intention is clear.. To at some point breach the phoney support line and cause maximum doubt in shareholders of this era.
This, with an increase of negative comments seek to prey on those who are ill- prepared for an emotional war.
The support line is a fraud. We own too many shares at every level to consider any particular level a point of support. Here is my word of warning to ears that can hear & eyes that can see... Those among us who continue to proclaim the chart as truth are not your friends. Buy & Hold. Strengthen your emotions for a visual breach. If it happens.... load the boat. Blue

And this:

Posted by: BlueBucks Date: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 4:55:03 PM
In reply to: None Post # of 128032

The Battlefield... Positions
My wife is a ‘Daughter of the American Revolution’. Her ancestor is Francis Marion A.K.A. ‘The Swamp Fox’.. Being heavily out numbered this general used knowledge of the terrain, ambush and the element of surprise to achieve victory. By slowly pecking away at the British forces the American troops diminished there enemy to a scant few. Eventually retreat or surrender were the Brits only option.
Many times it was a series of hit & run attacks by different troops spanning no more than an hour. By the time the British troops were in position to fire the skirmish was over. A pursuit by the Brits through mud & bogs would only yield a second attack & and a third and so the title ‘Swamp Fox’ was earned.
The strategy included a keen knowledge of region & timing that would draw the enemy to certain positions unaware. Once again, a well managed escape route is also a well defined attack strategy.
What position have we drawn the MM’s to? As they venture deeper and deeper into the swamp, in an effort to force our submission, we are diminishing their resources of time and treachery. As they attempt to pierce the phony support line in the .30's we are effectively cutting off their life support. I say phony because we did not create it. Left to its natural course of continual buying we should be approaching $1.50pps.
My views has been stated many times in different ways. In this case I am pointing out that we have drawn them into an excellent position. The coming Bullshake will be triggered from an exaggerated & depressed share price. I for one am excited as the phony candles continue downward.. War is ugly. The Battlefield is drawn.. Take your positions... Blue