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Re: buysellhold post# 54769

Tuesday, 05/18/2010 11:15:31 AM

Tuesday, May 18, 2010 11:15:31 AM

Post# of 72328
People knee jerked over the Q results for 2 reasons IMO:
1-unrealistic expectations of sales(company did nothing to cause this)
2-continued dilution

the first is no one's fault but those with pie in the sky hopes of mega sales, when, as others have said, this represents only about one month's worth of effort with a new CEO

the second, dilution, is never anything that investors want to see, but in reality is a necessary part of getting a business off the ground until you have a regular cash flow from increased sales. I understand that and still believe this CEO is genuinely making an effort to make this company work.

the India deal was PR'd in March, but most customers at the very least have net30 terms, meaning they have 30 days to pay, putting that in the April catagory of income.

Look all, this CEO has already done alot to start turning this company around. Give him time. It's not going to happen overnight. And now that we have finally gotten our first report as to how operations are going under his watch we'll have a better idea of what to expect going forward. As some have stated, most pennies, or subpennies, don't even have a product. This one does, and it's a good product, a green product, and one that people will embrace and buy once they become more aware of it through the company's marketing efforts.
Take EVERYTHING into account. The % increase of sales over previous qtr, the reduction of expenses, and yes, the necessary dilution(for now)

Then make up your mind if you want to hang or not.
I still like this company
I still like the CEO and how he's running it
I still like the product and believe it has a bright future.
This company has 2 essential things I look for- a good product that's viable, and good management to execute a business plan
Those two things have not changed one iota.
GL in whatever you decide