A moderator's job is to keep it real, not to pump. I present facts - like them or not, they are still facts. I am always up for debate, but the debate should be grounded in fact and not attacking your opponent.
I believed in VIPR and thought it had HUGE potential - I still do. All signs pointed to this gold concession being absolutely beautiful a few months ago, unfortunately the results didn't pan that out. I was wrong on how successful Singida would be, I have admitted that and will never deny it. I will be heavily invested in October with the uranium play comes in - after all, that concession has just as much potential on paper AND it's much larger in size.
Everyone needs to make their own investment decisions, I certainly understand that - I just don't want people here under the false impression that gold is VIPR's future. You should all be super excited, as I am, about uranium - because THAT is what is what could make you rich on this stock....
As the weeks wear on I hope you all realize that the company has shifted it's focus - their future PR's will make this clear. And when you do I hope you remember that I tried to warn you first, and was ridiculed for doing so.