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Post# of 13129
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Alias Born 08/10/2003

Re: McBeanburger post# 1343

Wednesday, 12/22/2004 9:03:29 PM

Wednesday, December 22, 2004 9:03:29 PM

Post# of 13129
Hi McBean!

By go-live, do you mean when do they commence production? I do not know when that formal decision will be announced, but I do know they have already started rehabilitating the mine workings to allow production to commence. This is mostly a question of pumping out the ground water that has accumulated in the lower levels, and ensuring that the structural integrity is intact in the shafts and adits. I think they will be able to go to production as early as February, but I also believe they will be spending several million dollars to upgrade the processing capacity and that may take a few months to complete.


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