Hey Comic,
that wasnt negativity. I believe that was the investment banker cooling the rally in the stock today. They need the stock supporting at $ .50 cents but trading at a slight premium for pricing. I think we could see 2 months of net sideways trading while the monies come in. I am thinking this is an eight week process, start to finish. Come June/July with uplisting to the BB and this financing complete, the upleg to $ 1.00 may be upon us. Or sooner. I'd rather estimate conservative.
Sometimse things happen for a reason in a stock. That was the case in POWN, is all I am trying to say. The co. has been in registration since Jan or early Feb at the latest. Should I be shocked no one on this board bothered to find that out? It wasnt that difficult to learn of its existence, the need for the use of proceeds, amount raised, etc.