Thursday, March 04, 2010 2:19:25 AM
fwd: What really took place at the bank…?
I'm going to delve into something here that has never, ever crossed the mind of Joe Six Pack from the time of his birth to his untimely death….other than the fact Joe was constantly in debt.
Joe goes to the bank one day as planned, to meet with the loans officer.
Upon entering Mary Stein’s office she knows what Joe is looking for.
Joe seats him self and Mary proceeds to tell Joe his income to debt service ratio allows him to qualify for a $240,000.00 mortgage loan.
Joe beams as he looks around her office at the ads portraying the possibilities of getting a bank loan.
Joe thanks her for the info confirming his application and leaves to go to his real estate broker.
Four days later Joe makes an offer to purchase and after some negotiations settles on a firm price.
Joe heads back to the bank to see Mary Stein where she pulls out some forms for Joe to sign and then slide them back across Mary’s desk.
Joe is not aware that he has just given the bank an asset item, a loan as it were, in order the bank may have a deposit on hand, in order to fund the check they will send to the people Joe purchased the house from.
Joe is completely oblivious to bank rules and policy that forbids the bank from loaning any of its depositor’s funds (liabilities) to him.
Joe is completely oblivious to bank rules and policy that forbids the bank from loaning any of its own money (profits) or credit to him. (no bank has credit, only liabilities to shareholders).
Joe is completely oblivious to bank rules, policy and Generally Accepted Accounting Procedures that show Joe is the only party to come to the bank with any funds in order to issue a check to the seller.
Joe is completely oblivious to bank rules, policy and Generally Accepted Accounting Procedures that show the only thing that took place was an exchange of asset items, neither of which were legal tender at the time of negotiation.
Yet, Joe pays…and pays, for maybe forty years with compound interest, setting Joe up for life with a ball and chain on his ankle attached to the bank.
At the close of the term and the bank receiving final instalment, Joe is eager to have his mortgage burning party.
Joe finds in his mail box a letter from the bank along with a "copy" of his mortgage stating the bank has discharged his obligation to the bank.
Joe is completely oblivious to bank rules and policy as to the meaning of the words; “discharge”, “copy” and “obligation”.
Joe is completely oblivious to the fact that according to law, a copy is a “forgery” and therefore, the bank retains the original instrument of indebtedness (title), but, not in its original form.
Joe is completely oblivious to the fact that by doing so, the bank retains “legal title” (registered owner) to his home and as the abstract from land titles office indicates that Joe has retained “equity title” as beneficial owner, a tenant.
That evening Joe gets drunk as he and his wife along with some friends burn the worthless piece of paper Joe received from the bank.
Joe is completely oblivious to the fact that according to the generally accepted rules of psychiatry and contract law, he is an utter fool and idiot….through no fault of his own.
Joe was taught something to the contrary in school, at home and in business.
what would happen, if Joe woke up…..by the millions and called the banker out on this one?
And sent these to his banker as an offer to settle the above referenced matter?
Effectively Dealing With Creditors
Letter Number 1:
For use with just about any type of financial
obligation issued by a licensed financial institution
mortgage, credit card, bank loan etc. (Does not work
if the loan is from a “private” source.)
From: ____________________
Date: ____________________
To: ____________________
Re: ___(Credit Card, bank loan, mortgage,
etc.) Account Number:___________
To Whom it may concern:
I would like to make arrangements to settle
the above referenced matter. Please provide me with
your statement of the amount owing as of ___(pick
date 2 weeks out for example)___, together with your
assurance that you will accept payment in direct and
immediate exchange for the original instrument of
indebtedness in its original form.
Thank you very much.
by: authorized party
Letter Number 2A:
For use with adjustments in most cases when
you receive the initial response from Letter 1 above,
where they confirm an amount owing and provide
some comment that the “statements” or some other
lame documentation they provide are evidence of the
From: ____________________
Date: ____________________
To: ____________________
Re: ___(Credit Card, bank loan, mortgage,
etc.) Account Number:___________
To Whom it may concern:
Thank you for your letter of ________,
wherein you confirm my outstanding balance as
Also, you have confirmed that the
“statements that _____(name of institution here)____
sends are your evidence of your indebtedness to the
Bank”. (This is a quote from actual bank letter and
wording may vary slightly, but should where possible
be quoted from their letter.)
Accordingly, would you please confirm that
the Agreement that exists between us which ratifies
this specific application of these “statements” and
confirms me as the party obligated to the Bank will
be delivered to me as the original instrument of
indebtedness in its original form, in exchange for
payment in full of my obligation as may be
referenced by these “statements”.
by: authorized party
Letter Number 2B:
For use with adjustments in other cases when
you receive the initial response from Letter 1 above,
where they confirm an amount owing and simply
ignore the second part of the request.
From: ____________________
Date: ____________________
To: ____________________
Re: ___(Credit Card, bank loan, mortgage,
etc.) Account Number:__________
To Whom it may concern:
Thank you for your letter of ________,
wherein you confirm my outstanding balance as
It is apparent that you have overlooked or
ignored my request to confirm that you would accept
full payment of the alleged obligation from me in
consideration of your delivery to me of the original
instrument of indebtedness in its original form.
Accordingly, unless I receive your written
confirmation that you will accept payment from me
in consideration of your delivery to me of the original
instrument of indebtedness in its original form on or
before ____(pick a date like 15 days from sending the
letter)____, I will conclude that you are either unable
or unwilling to comply, and I will thereafter consider
the matter between us to have been legally and
financially settled.
by: authorized party
Letter Number 3:
For use with adjustments in other cases when
you receive NO response from Letter 1 above.
From: ____________________
Date: ____________________
To: ____________________
Re: ___(Credit Card, bank loan, mortgage,
etc.) Account Number:__________
To Whom it may concern:
I have sent you my request as of
___(date)___ for you to confirm the balance owing
on the above referenced matter and for you to
confirm that you would accept full payment of the
alleged obligation from me in consideration of your
delivery to me of the original instrument of
indebtedness in its original form.
It is apparent that you have overlooked or
ignored my request. Accordingly, unless I receive
your written confirmation that you will accept
payment from me in consideration of your delivery to
me of the original instrument of indebtedness in its
original form on or before ____(pick a date like 15
days from sending the letter)____, I will conclude
that you are either unable or unwilling to comply, and
I will thereafter consider the matter between us to
have been legally and financially settled.
by: authorized party
1. The concepts outlined in these documents
will also work for most Court Orders to pay. Simply
change the wording such that you are requesting
confirmation that the court will accept payment in
consideration of their delivery to you of the Original
Order, as duly executed by ___(Judge name)___ and
in its original form (which is the original instrument
of indebtedness).
2. This process will not work with private
lenders because in most cases they can and will
produce the original instrument of indebtedness.
3. If you receive any communication from a
collection agency or lawyer representing the financial
institution, you should follow the concepts outlined
in the above letters but ONLY in direct
correspondence with the financial institution.
NEVER respond to a lawyer or collection agency
with anything other than the concept outlined in
Letter 4 that follows.
Letter Number 4:
For use with when terminating
communication from financial institution’s lawyer or
collection agent.
From: ____________________
Date: ____________________
To: ____________________
Re: ___(Credit Card, bank loan, mortgage,
etc.) Account Number:___________
To Whom it may concern:
I confirm that I have received a written
communication from you dated ___(date)___
wherein you make reference to the above captioned
It is apparent that you are acting on the
presumption that some relationship that you may
have with ___(name of bank)___ , is in some way
related to me. I am not a party to this implied
relationship you have with ___(name of bank)___,
either directly, indirectly or by means of any tacit
Accordingly, I do not understand how to
respond to you inasmuch as I am unaware of any
contractual relationship between us.
As a courtesy and because you may find it
helpful, I have attached recent correspondence
between myself and ___(name of bank)___, wherein
I have repeatedly offered to settle the mater between
myself and ___(name of bank)___.
by: authorized party
c.c file
Letter Number 5:
Alternate for use with when terminating
communication from financial institution’s lawyer or
collection agent.
From: ____________________
Date: ____________________
To: ____________________
Re: ___(Credit Card, bank loan, mortgage,
etc.) Account Number: __________
To Whom it may concern:
I confirm that I have received a written
communication from you addressed to
_____________ and dated ____________ wherein
you make reference to the above captioned matter.
It is apparent that either:
i) you are acting on the presumption
that some relationship that you may have with
__(name of bank)__, is in some way related to me,
which if such presumption is the case, I confirm that I
am not a party to this implied relationship you have
with __(name of bank)__, either directly, indirectly or
by means of any tacit consent, and accordingly, I do
not understand how to respond to you inasmuch as I
am unaware of any contractual relationship between
us; or
ii) you have entered into a contractual
relationship inclusive of evidence of consideration
paid to or agreed to be paid to __(name of bank)__,
which contractual relationship has caused you to
become the legal holder in due course of an alleged
obligation between ____________ and __(name of
If indeed you have entered into such a
contractual relationship with __(name of bank)__, as
set forth in clause ii) above, then I hereby confirm
that I accept your offer to reduce the amount of the
alleged obligation from $______ to $______; and I
confirm that I would like to make arrangements for
settlement of the above referenced matter
immediately upon you providing me with your
written and legally binding assurance that you will
accept payment in full settlement of this alleged
obligation in direct and immediate exchange for the
original instrument of indebtedness in its original
form that you must now be holding pursuant to the
aforesaid contractual arrangement between you and
__(name of bank)__.
by: authorized party
NOTE: underlined portion in last paragraph
may be omitted if not applicable.
What is right and wrong DOES matter in life:
All the money in existence in our monetary systems
has been borrowed at interest from a bank. When all
currency in the system is borrowed at interest, there
is NO MATHEMATICAL WAY to pay one penny of
interest without pushing some people off the table via
cancellation of their obligations to pay principal
through bankruptcy, or through the kind of
cancellation programs offered.
Reform must come from the side of
dissatisfied customers, because the lenders have NO
motivation to move away from their current position
of power and influence. If people who favour the
customer over the lender are able to use the law to
stimulate change, any imbalance created by giving
people their real estate for free will best correct itself
through a change in banking laws and practice, NOT
through perpetuation of the present system of
GRAND THEFT of the entire wealth of society by
the banking cartels.
Under the present system, someone HAS to
get something for NOTHING. There is no other way.
Either the bankers continue to get interest payments
for NOTHING at risk, or customers get free real
estate after "borrowing" money that was created out
of NOTHING and having the "loan" either cancelled
for fraud, or discharged in bankruptcy, or the lender
gets the real estate from the customer for NOTHING,
following a foreclosure on the loan that was created
out of NOTHING. The answer is to stop basing bank
lending on NOTHING but, a fraudulent exchange.
[from an email forwarded to moi -- the writer/author is Jack Harper - kissin' cousin of Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper]
I'm going to delve into something here that has never, ever crossed the mind of Joe Six Pack from the time of his birth to his untimely death….other than the fact Joe was constantly in debt.
Joe goes to the bank one day as planned, to meet with the loans officer.
Upon entering Mary Stein’s office she knows what Joe is looking for.
Joe seats him self and Mary proceeds to tell Joe his income to debt service ratio allows him to qualify for a $240,000.00 mortgage loan.
Joe beams as he looks around her office at the ads portraying the possibilities of getting a bank loan.
Joe thanks her for the info confirming his application and leaves to go to his real estate broker.
Four days later Joe makes an offer to purchase and after some negotiations settles on a firm price.
Joe heads back to the bank to see Mary Stein where she pulls out some forms for Joe to sign and then slide them back across Mary’s desk.
Joe is not aware that he has just given the bank an asset item, a loan as it were, in order the bank may have a deposit on hand, in order to fund the check they will send to the people Joe purchased the house from.
Joe is completely oblivious to bank rules and policy that forbids the bank from loaning any of its depositor’s funds (liabilities) to him.
Joe is completely oblivious to bank rules and policy that forbids the bank from loaning any of its own money (profits) or credit to him. (no bank has credit, only liabilities to shareholders).
Joe is completely oblivious to bank rules, policy and Generally Accepted Accounting Procedures that show Joe is the only party to come to the bank with any funds in order to issue a check to the seller.
Joe is completely oblivious to bank rules, policy and Generally Accepted Accounting Procedures that show the only thing that took place was an exchange of asset items, neither of which were legal tender at the time of negotiation.
Yet, Joe pays…and pays, for maybe forty years with compound interest, setting Joe up for life with a ball and chain on his ankle attached to the bank.
At the close of the term and the bank receiving final instalment, Joe is eager to have his mortgage burning party.
Joe finds in his mail box a letter from the bank along with a "copy" of his mortgage stating the bank has discharged his obligation to the bank.
Joe is completely oblivious to bank rules and policy as to the meaning of the words; “discharge”, “copy” and “obligation”.
Joe is completely oblivious to the fact that according to law, a copy is a “forgery” and therefore, the bank retains the original instrument of indebtedness (title), but, not in its original form.
Joe is completely oblivious to the fact that by doing so, the bank retains “legal title” (registered owner) to his home and as the abstract from land titles office indicates that Joe has retained “equity title” as beneficial owner, a tenant.
That evening Joe gets drunk as he and his wife along with some friends burn the worthless piece of paper Joe received from the bank.
Joe is completely oblivious to the fact that according to the generally accepted rules of psychiatry and contract law, he is an utter fool and idiot….through no fault of his own.
Joe was taught something to the contrary in school, at home and in business.
what would happen, if Joe woke up…..by the millions and called the banker out on this one?
And sent these to his banker as an offer to settle the above referenced matter?
Effectively Dealing With Creditors
Letter Number 1:
For use with just about any type of financial
obligation issued by a licensed financial institution
mortgage, credit card, bank loan etc. (Does not work
if the loan is from a “private” source.)
From: ____________________
Date: ____________________
To: ____________________
Re: ___(Credit Card, bank loan, mortgage,
etc.) Account Number:___________
To Whom it may concern:
I would like to make arrangements to settle
the above referenced matter. Please provide me with
your statement of the amount owing as of ___(pick
date 2 weeks out for example)___, together with your
assurance that you will accept payment in direct and
immediate exchange for the original instrument of
indebtedness in its original form.
Thank you very much.
by: authorized party
Letter Number 2A:
For use with adjustments in most cases when
you receive the initial response from Letter 1 above,
where they confirm an amount owing and provide
some comment that the “statements” or some other
lame documentation they provide are evidence of the
From: ____________________
Date: ____________________
To: ____________________
Re: ___(Credit Card, bank loan, mortgage,
etc.) Account Number:___________
To Whom it may concern:
Thank you for your letter of ________,
wherein you confirm my outstanding balance as
Also, you have confirmed that the
“statements that _____(name of institution here)____
sends are your evidence of your indebtedness to the
Bank”. (This is a quote from actual bank letter and
wording may vary slightly, but should where possible
be quoted from their letter.)
Accordingly, would you please confirm that
the Agreement that exists between us which ratifies
this specific application of these “statements” and
confirms me as the party obligated to the Bank will
be delivered to me as the original instrument of
indebtedness in its original form, in exchange for
payment in full of my obligation as may be
referenced by these “statements”.
by: authorized party
Letter Number 2B:
For use with adjustments in other cases when
you receive the initial response from Letter 1 above,
where they confirm an amount owing and simply
ignore the second part of the request.
From: ____________________
Date: ____________________
To: ____________________
Re: ___(Credit Card, bank loan, mortgage,
etc.) Account Number:__________
To Whom it may concern:
Thank you for your letter of ________,
wherein you confirm my outstanding balance as
It is apparent that you have overlooked or
ignored my request to confirm that you would accept
full payment of the alleged obligation from me in
consideration of your delivery to me of the original
instrument of indebtedness in its original form.
Accordingly, unless I receive your written
confirmation that you will accept payment from me
in consideration of your delivery to me of the original
instrument of indebtedness in its original form on or
before ____(pick a date like 15 days from sending the
letter)____, I will conclude that you are either unable
or unwilling to comply, and I will thereafter consider
the matter between us to have been legally and
financially settled.
by: authorized party
Letter Number 3:
For use with adjustments in other cases when
you receive NO response from Letter 1 above.
From: ____________________
Date: ____________________
To: ____________________
Re: ___(Credit Card, bank loan, mortgage,
etc.) Account Number:__________
To Whom it may concern:
I have sent you my request as of
___(date)___ for you to confirm the balance owing
on the above referenced matter and for you to
confirm that you would accept full payment of the
alleged obligation from me in consideration of your
delivery to me of the original instrument of
indebtedness in its original form.
It is apparent that you have overlooked or
ignored my request. Accordingly, unless I receive
your written confirmation that you will accept
payment from me in consideration of your delivery to
me of the original instrument of indebtedness in its
original form on or before ____(pick a date like 15
days from sending the letter)____, I will conclude
that you are either unable or unwilling to comply, and
I will thereafter consider the matter between us to
have been legally and financially settled.
by: authorized party
1. The concepts outlined in these documents
will also work for most Court Orders to pay. Simply
change the wording such that you are requesting
confirmation that the court will accept payment in
consideration of their delivery to you of the Original
Order, as duly executed by ___(Judge name)___ and
in its original form (which is the original instrument
of indebtedness).
2. This process will not work with private
lenders because in most cases they can and will
produce the original instrument of indebtedness.
3. If you receive any communication from a
collection agency or lawyer representing the financial
institution, you should follow the concepts outlined
in the above letters but ONLY in direct
correspondence with the financial institution.
NEVER respond to a lawyer or collection agency
with anything other than the concept outlined in
Letter 4 that follows.
Letter Number 4:
For use with when terminating
communication from financial institution’s lawyer or
collection agent.
From: ____________________
Date: ____________________
To: ____________________
Re: ___(Credit Card, bank loan, mortgage,
etc.) Account Number:___________
To Whom it may concern:
I confirm that I have received a written
communication from you dated ___(date)___
wherein you make reference to the above captioned
It is apparent that you are acting on the
presumption that some relationship that you may
have with ___(name of bank)___ , is in some way
related to me. I am not a party to this implied
relationship you have with ___(name of bank)___,
either directly, indirectly or by means of any tacit
Accordingly, I do not understand how to
respond to you inasmuch as I am unaware of any
contractual relationship between us.
As a courtesy and because you may find it
helpful, I have attached recent correspondence
between myself and ___(name of bank)___, wherein
I have repeatedly offered to settle the mater between
myself and ___(name of bank)___.
by: authorized party
c.c file
Letter Number 5:
Alternate for use with when terminating
communication from financial institution’s lawyer or
collection agent.
From: ____________________
Date: ____________________
To: ____________________
Re: ___(Credit Card, bank loan, mortgage,
etc.) Account Number: __________
To Whom it may concern:
I confirm that I have received a written
communication from you addressed to
_____________ and dated ____________ wherein
you make reference to the above captioned matter.
It is apparent that either:
i) you are acting on the presumption
that some relationship that you may have with
__(name of bank)__, is in some way related to me,
which if such presumption is the case, I confirm that I
am not a party to this implied relationship you have
with __(name of bank)__, either directly, indirectly or
by means of any tacit consent, and accordingly, I do
not understand how to respond to you inasmuch as I
am unaware of any contractual relationship between
us; or
ii) you have entered into a contractual
relationship inclusive of evidence of consideration
paid to or agreed to be paid to __(name of bank)__,
which contractual relationship has caused you to
become the legal holder in due course of an alleged
obligation between ____________ and __(name of
If indeed you have entered into such a
contractual relationship with __(name of bank)__, as
set forth in clause ii) above, then I hereby confirm
that I accept your offer to reduce the amount of the
alleged obligation from $______ to $______; and I
confirm that I would like to make arrangements for
settlement of the above referenced matter
immediately upon you providing me with your
written and legally binding assurance that you will
accept payment in full settlement of this alleged
obligation in direct and immediate exchange for the
original instrument of indebtedness in its original
form that you must now be holding pursuant to the
aforesaid contractual arrangement between you and
__(name of bank)__.
by: authorized party
NOTE: underlined portion in last paragraph
may be omitted if not applicable.
What is right and wrong DOES matter in life:
All the money in existence in our monetary systems
has been borrowed at interest from a bank. When all
currency in the system is borrowed at interest, there
is NO MATHEMATICAL WAY to pay one penny of
interest without pushing some people off the table via
cancellation of their obligations to pay principal
through bankruptcy, or through the kind of
cancellation programs offered.
Reform must come from the side of
dissatisfied customers, because the lenders have NO
motivation to move away from their current position
of power and influence. If people who favour the
customer over the lender are able to use the law to
stimulate change, any imbalance created by giving
people their real estate for free will best correct itself
through a change in banking laws and practice, NOT
through perpetuation of the present system of
GRAND THEFT of the entire wealth of society by
the banking cartels.
Under the present system, someone HAS to
get something for NOTHING. There is no other way.
Either the bankers continue to get interest payments
for NOTHING at risk, or customers get free real
estate after "borrowing" money that was created out
of NOTHING and having the "loan" either cancelled
for fraud, or discharged in bankruptcy, or the lender
gets the real estate from the customer for NOTHING,
following a foreclosure on the loan that was created
out of NOTHING. The answer is to stop basing bank
lending on NOTHING but, a fraudulent exchange.
[from an email forwarded to moi -- the writer/author is Jack Harper - kissin' cousin of Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper]
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