whine whine whine, bitch bitch bitch, whine whine whine
i wonder why the stock keeps going down, oh well. guess all i can do is ..
whine whine whine, bitch bitch bitch, whine whine whine
I don't mean to be an AZZZ but really how does just venting help. If you have a case for action then please explain your reasoning and what course you recommend for investors to take. but just saying management needs to get their shizzz together is not helpful to the stock price of egmi.
I lightened up 20% today to move it into svm that is going nuts ( silver was in a very good position to rally this week ). I intend to buy back shares before the conference call as I expect metal rally to finish friday. I had 15% of my investment in egmi I thought it prudent at this time move take advantage of the metal rally. Their are choices out there, including just holing. It your choice make it, don't be a victim. Make your future.
Heartmed, I emplore you to checkout goldtrends.net, and check out the ego yahoo board. If you learn to trade gold miners you will vastly improve your cycle trading skills. Metals cycle is very consistant.