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Alias Born 09/10/2009

Re: ttmasher post# 27244

Wednesday, 02/10/2010 10:14:54 AM

Wednesday, February 10, 2010 10:14:54 AM

Post# of 85518
Yeah right. Either a down right lie or you are a worse investor than we all previously believed. You said your average was at .004 or .0045? And you had 9 mil at one time? So you threw nearly $40,000 at a stock you knew nothing about, has poor management, dosent update its investors every week, has CC for sale but nobody will ever buy, Is'nt mining any gold and plain dosent have anything going for it?? You sir are a....... genius!!! All that against it, and yet you were able to see through the down falls, and spy the diamond in the rough!! You're my hero!