Based upon the reasons nations LOP. Nations LOP because of run away hyper inflation, constant failure of the exchange rate and massive economic instability. Iraq has none of that. In FACT: Iraq has one of the most stable exchange rates world wide and has inflation well under control. Also Iraq is one of the only nations who is about to be debt free. Compared to the US Iraq's debt is also near non existant. You do know that the United States has a debt of near 9 trillion dollars right? And that in the past 10 years the US Dollar has declined almost 50% in value. Also Iraq is posed to be the number one provider in the world for Oil. Based upon these FACTS when placed side beside the nation of Iraq is in BETTER economic shape than the US! And being in BETTER economic position and standing than the US there is absolutly zero reason the nation of Iraq would do a LOP. Nor after the CONSTANT oversite by the IMF would they be allowed to do so. Based on all of the above. Got it? IQD in @ .0009 HOLD!~