BTW Steeler, thanks for doc tip on Reid.
I strongly suspected it was Reid when I called on Friday because there was so much activity he was involved in that I found. Julia's hesitation on the phone (I assume it was Julia) also made me wonder. She seemed surprised, nervous, and very anxious to get me off the phone.
But then I did a business entity search and that's when I discovered 2 Palisades Capital LLC registered for business in CA; I'll call them P1 and P2
P1 is Reid's, and is a Nevada registered LLC
P2 is another person, and is an Arizona registered LLC
Both have active statuses, but P2 had no leads anywhere on the web, it was a dead end. P1 was full of them. The only reason I was hesitant and didn't release Reid's info yesterday was the whole issue of Palisades lending money in 2003, but P1 not actively registered in CA until 2004. I had no other related docs to suggest a connection to P1 or Reid, so I didn't want anyone else harassing P1 until I was sure.
But your contribution has convinced me I was right all along.