You and Molson make me laugh. This is better than Saturday Night Live. The difference here is this is real life and real rules are made and broken. Real people have been financially hurt. Now it appears obvious that DTCC violated rules and that given Megas would have operated with fiduciary responsibility when he discovered the identity theft of BCIT, this should have been a cake walk and attorneys would be lined up trying to help.
Five years later that has not happened. Hmmm. Wonder why?
The key to this whole mess is "fiduciary responsibility" and his duties were "not" fulfilled as to what was in the best interest of the company. Megas had a conflict of interest(you did read the post about conflict of interest-post# 129340- didn't you?) regarding an outside entity of the company when he negotiated a deal with Pino when a crime was committed. All this is IMO.
You only make your arguments look more foolish by refusing to look at Megas not operating with the best interest of the company, where the conflict appeared to be in the best interest of Megas. Thus, the conflict of interest because Megas operated in his personal best interest and not BCIT's, the company.
Again, you guys are a riot. Please, bring on some more funny stuff. I am about to bust a gut with laughter.
Time and the Creator of it are my friends