fw: Original Instrument
“The original instrument of indebtedness in its original unadulterated form.”
Does anyone think they know what that is?
I have found that not 1 in 100 know for certain.
One thing is certain.
Every single Court of Queens Bench justice knows exactly what it is, for absolute certain.
So does every high level banker.
The Registrar (the notary) knows it.
The lawyers know it, too.
They all know that in a court of Law & Equity only the instrument described above has full and complete standing in the court.
It is the only document worthy of bringing a legitimate action in an International, federal, provincial or municipal court.
It is the paper with your DNA on it and no additional ink on its front or back.
The only exception to this rule is that, both parties are in agreement to waive their right to demand production of “the original instrument of indebtedness in its original unadulterated form” thereby, accepting a copy (forgery).
Another rule applies insomuch as that; the Plaintiff is obligated to prove they were in possession of “the original instrument of indebtedness in its original unadulterated form” at the time of filing the foreclosure.
If one exerts his/her right to demand the production of documents for authentication from the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs counsel then, they had better produce or head for the door.
It only stands to reason and the rule of law that, without the said instrument being returned, no man may ever pay his debts.
And Jesus Christ had something to say about that.
[JackieG is Jack Harper -- kissin' cousin of Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper]